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*Dinah's POV* 

The girls just finished with their last performance of the tour. Everyone was backstage taking pictures and laughing at memories, while Dinah sat on a cool metal chair waiting for Y/N to call her. 

She was excited to see the younger girl for the first time, she could only imagine what she looked like. She was even excited to hear the sound of her voice, which she already predicted would be soft and quiet. Maybe Y/N exceeded her expectations and was gorgeous instead of cute. Even if Y/N turned out to be not the best looking on the planet, Dinah would still want her the same. 

"Dj, what's up with you?" Lauren asked as she took a seat next to the Polynesian woman. All of the girls noticed that she seemed off. Normally she was the one taking random pictures and videos, but this time she didn't want anything to do with it. 

DInah shook her head and smiled, "Nothing, I'm just waiting on a call," 

Lauren shrugged and walked off, either to get high or to take more pictures with the crew. 

Dinah looked down at her phone. Her text conversation with Y/N was open and bright, anyone who walked by could see the obnoxious amount of heart emojis she put next to the girls name. Right dead in the center was the text that made Dinah's heart pound. 

One simple little pet name, and Dinah was goo. Before Y/N there were other people, and they never had the same effect on her. Y/N was different and special, and Dinah hoped that they would soon meet. 

Dinah drifted off into space when her phone started to blare an obnoxious ringtone. She knew right away that it was her crush.

Rushing to get on her feet, she ran in the dressing rooms and adjusted herself on the couch. Taking a few deep breaths, she accepted the call. 

There she was, in all of her glory. Y/N was far more beautiful that Dinah could ever imagine. 

Her hair was jet black and smooth, resting on her shoulders in waves. Her eyes were the color of honey, small specs of green and blue scattering around the iris. Her lips were plump and a soft shade of pink. She was absolutely breath taking. 

"Hey," Y/N said, chuckling at Dinah's fixed stare. Dinah could've died there. She was completely wrong about the younger girl's voice. It was raspy and full, her words flowing like water. Dinah quickly snapped out of her memorized state.

"You're so beautiful," Dinah said, earning a rosy blush from Y/N. She smirked and felt herself get more comfortable. 

"You're not so bad yourself," Y/N stated, "I'm glad I get to finally see you," 

Dinah nodded, smiling as she tried to think of something else to say. Before she could, the other girls walked in and immediately noticed the beautiful girl on Dinah's phone screen.  

"Looks like you have visitors," Y/N said, sadly, "I should let you keep them company," 

Dinah mentally scolded the girls for walking in at the wrong time. She could feel their stares on the back of her head, "We can always talk later, babe," 

After the two said their goodbyes, the girls started squealing. 

"She's so pretty!" Camila said, jumping on the couch, shaking Dinah's shoulders as if Dinah didn't know. 

"I seriously don't know how you lucked out on that one, DJ," Lauren said, "But she looked kinda familiar. Have we met her before?"

Dinah shook her head and faced the girls, who were now calmed down, "I'd hope not. She'd find out about us, and I'm not ready to tell her yet," 

"You haven't told her?!" Ally screeched, shaking her head at Dinah in the process.

"Damn, girl. You got a lot to learn," Normani snickered. 

To Dinah's surprise, Y/N would be the topic of conversation for the rest of the night.





Ok we get it, ur a qt. Ur beautiful asf. 

i love u beautiful children. 

Missing Something (Dinah/You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora