Meet My Friends

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FinahDinah added Canola🍌, Norman, Allysus🙏, Highregui🚬and Beautiful😍💘 to the chat 

Norman: Who tf is Beautiful 

Canola🍌: ^

Highregui🚬: ^^

Beautiful😍💘: Lol why am I here 😂

Allysus🙏: Dinahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is this 

FinahDinah: Y/N, these are my friends 

Highregui🚬: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH it's Y/N!!!!!!!

Highregui🚬: Ur so pretty 😘😘

Beautiful😍💘: Lmao, what are your names😂

Allysus🙏: Ally :) 

Canola🍌: Camila 💕

Norman: Normani 

Highregui🚬: And I'm gay, it's nice to meet you ;) 

FinahDinah: Fuck off Lauren 

Allysus🙏: DINAH!!!!

Highregui🚬: Yeah mamas, chill ur tits. I was kidding. 

Beautiful😍💘: Okay this is weird. 

Beautiful😍💘: I have to work. 

Allysus🙏: Bye sweety 😊

FinahDinah: Bye babe 💕😍





Ya met the other girls and Lauren's hitting on you. Oopies. 

Love ya whores. 

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