Celebrity Parties

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"You must be Ms. Y/LN," A woman with short brown hair said as Y/N walked into the room. Before saying anything, Y/N studied her. She was average size and she didn't look like the type of person to normally come in and ask for special order. She wore a pair of high waisted jeans and a band t-shirt. She looked like a normal twenty-something woman. 

"Just Y/N, actually," Y/N said, offering her hand, "And you are..?" 

The woman smiled and grabbed Y/N's hand firmly before shaking it. 


Ashley was an unusual name for someone wanting to buy from the company. Normally they got men or frat boys, never woman. Especially ones named Ashley. 

"So you were wanting something special?" Y/N asked, taking a seat next to David, "Something that a runner couldn't get to you?"

Ashley nodded and grabbed a bag from the seat beside her. Y/N and David watched as she searched through it, eventually pulling out a small sheet of notebook paper. 

"My friend gave me this paper and told me to give it to you," Ashley said, handing over the paper, "She said it might take a little bit for you to get it ready. But when you do, she wants to be here to make sure everything's there. She couldn't be here today though, so she said she was sorry for that," 

Y/N nodded, looking at the sheet in her hand. Honestly they weren't asking for anything that she didn't already have in stock, which was great. The only issue is that it was a lot more than she was expecting. 

"Okay, got it. You know this is going to be a lot of money?" Y/N asked, handing the paper to David and looking at Ashley with her brows raised. 

Ashley smirked and started to pack her stuff, "Trust me, I can pay kid," She chuckled, "It'll barely cost me one concert worth of money," 





Ooooof so if I didn't make it obvious, guess who Ashley is (wink wink) 


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