Who Are You?

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Y/N turned toward the girl, her hands shaking. She felt her heart pound against her chest as she stared at the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

There Dinah was, in the same room as her. Her Dinah, the girl she was madly in love with, was sitting in the same room and breathing the same air as she was.

"D-Dinah... How?" She managed to speak, her eyes starting to water from tears. By now, Ashley was confused and the four girls were staring at the two, just as bewildered as they were.

"Wait.. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at work..?" Dinah asked, growing more confused by the second. Lauren's mouth formed an 'o' shape as she leaned over and whispered something in Dinah's ear. What ever it was made her mad.

"You're a drug dealer?! What the fuck? You lied to me!"

Y/N was furious. She wasn't the only one who lied. She knew about Dinah, she knew ever since they first called and saw the other girls. Everyone's eyes were on them.

"Are you fucking serious? You lied too. I know, Dinah. I've known for a while,"

Dinah's face was red from embarrassment, "Who are you?"

Y/N scoffed, "Who are you?"

The other girls quickly left the room, leaving the two alone. The shouting calmed down and they were just staring at each other.

Dinah was the first one to break the silence.

"Looks like we're both liars," She whispered, chuckling after a bit, "How did this just happen?"

Y/N laughed too, wiping tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"I'm not even sure," She said, "Dinah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not saying it back. I love you. And even though this is a fucked up situation, I'm glad it happened,"

"If you love me, why didn't you answer my texts earlier?" Dinah asked, smiling at the thought of Y/N feeling the same. She just wanted to sure.

"Babe, I left my phone in my living room,"


So you made up. Congrats. Maybe one more chapter.

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