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Y/N was already in the boardroom, more nervous than she was the last time she was here.

Today it was different. She was dressed in a black suit instead of her usual hoodie and she brought a case with her. She was prepared for whatever would happen.

She was in there for an hour and Miguel should be there any minute now. Jeanette said he had to draw up some papers.

To kill time, she pulled out her phone and went to Dinah's contact. The past couple of days, they'd been talking non stop. Y/N felt happier when she was talking to the older girl.

Y/N💘: Hey, the meeting hasn't started yet

Y/N💘: But I'm thinking about you.

Y/N was new to the flirting thing. No one ever took interest in her and when they did, she brushed them off. She didn't want to brush Dinah off though.

Dinah😊: I'm thinking about you too 💕

Dinah😊: Can we ft later? I want to see your face.

Y/N💘: Yeah, when I get out of this meeting.

After Y/N sent the last text to Dinah, Miguel came striding through the door with a handful of papers in his hand. David trailed close behind.

"Hey, kid. Glad to see you here," Miguel set the papers down and sat across from Y/N, motioning that David do the same.

"Yeah, me too," Y/N said, trying not to appear nervous. She looked from David to Miguel and noticed that they both were happy, instead of the expected sad or upset. It relieved her a little.

Miguel clapped his hands together, "Right, so you've decided to take over, which is amazing," He continued, "But now we face the hard part. Paper work, sorry Kiddo, but you've got a lot to sign," 

Three and a half hours and what seemed like thousands of papers later, they were finally finished. Y/N was now the proud owner of a business. A dug business. 

"You already know what to buy and what not to. It's common sense on how to plant it. I think you'll do good with the company. Maybe broaden our horizons," 

Y/N was told that she now owned a company well worth over ten billion dollars. She was one of the richest, yet unknown people in the United States. If she played her cards right, she could get more money out of it then ever intended. 

Miguel told her that with power came great responsibility. She had to be at the building a lot. In fact, Miguel was there so much that he had his own penthouse that took the whole top floor. Now that he didn't own the company anymore, he would be moving out, and Y/N would be moving in. She no longer had to live with her mother.  

"Sometimes you have to oversee big deals," He said, breaking her from thought, "It's nothing like a regular run. The more known the person is, the more likely they are to spill about the corporation. You have to watch the deal and wager a price because a normal runner wouldn't think to ask questions," 

David left, telling the two that he had to get home to his wife, leaving them alone. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all. It was peaceful, and Y/N felt grateful of the man she sat across from.

"I really don't have anything important at home," She said, fixing her eyes on the man who was now raking up piles of papers, "I think I'll get settled in. I promise I won't change anything in the penthouse,"

Miguel looked up from his cleaning and offered her a warm smile, which she gladly reciprocated. 

"Kid, you can change whatever you want. It's your home now, this is your business. The furniture is new though, so it's not that bad looking. You need this place more than I do," 

He stood up, brushing his dress pants off and motioning for her to come near.

"As for me, my time is almost up. I'm going to fly out to Europe and see the place before I have to go. I don't want to die and not see the world, you know?"

Y/N nodded. This was the beginning of a new, slightly more exciting life. 





So you own a weed business. Wowow, congrats. Facetime in the next chapter ;)))))))))))

love u sluts 

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