Something's Up

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Dinah😊: Hey

Y/N💘: What's up? 

Dinah😊: Nothing much, the girls are ignoring me 😂

Y/N💘: Sounds fun lol 

Dinah😊: No, not really.

Dinah😊: Is something wrong?

Y/N💘: Why do you think there's something wrong?

Dinah😊: Idk, you're acting different and I know something's up.

Y/N💘: Yeah, honestly there is. 

Y/N💘: I got promoted at work. 

Dinah😊: Isn't that a good thing?

Y/N💘: Not this time, no. 

Dinah😊: Why not?

Y/N💘: I gotta go. I'm sorry. 

Dinah😊: If you didn't want to tell me, just say so.

Dinah😊: Bye.





You don't want to let Dinah in on your personal life, rude. There's going to be a lil surprise next chapter, prepare for a small amount of laughter. Then we get back to the depressing stuff. 

I love u lil bitches 

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