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FinahDinah added Canola🍌, Allysus🙏, Norman, and Lamp💚 to the chat

Canola🍌: Why are we here 

Lamp💚: ^

Allysus🙏: ^^

Norman: I know one of y'all fuckers stole my wings 

Lamp💚: Girl what 😂😂


Norman: Sorry Als 😒

FinahDinah: I need help 

Norman: We know 😊

Canola🍌: ^

Lamp💚: ^^

Allysus🙏: What's wrong honey 

FinahDinah: Thank you to no one but Ally 

FinahDinah: I have a crush 


Lamp💚: ^

Canola🍌: Lo, are you high😂

Lamp💚: Do you think it hurts bug's feelings when we kill them 

Allysus🙏: Girl, bye.

Allysus🙏: Anyway, Dinah. That's good. When can we meet her :)

Norman: Is this why you've been smiling at your phone 

Norman: Honestly I thought it was porn 😂

Allysus🙏: NORMAN 

FinahDinah: Hush norman 

FinahDinah: And that's the problem, I don't know. 

FinahDinah: She shuts me out a lot. 

Lamp💚: Sometimes people shut each other out because they're scared of happiness or they're scared of getting hurt. You just have to give her time and space because she's just as scared or even more scared then you are.

Norman: I thought you were high? 

Lamp💚: Oh, I am. 


Allysus🙏: Honestly, Lauren is right honey. It'll all work out.

Allysus🙏 changed Lamp💚's nickname to Highregui 🚬 





Hey, I hope you liked the little change of scenary. I thought it was a good touch and there's going to be more chapters like this. I thought it would be nice to add a little bit of humor in it, after all most of this story is depressing lmao.

love u hoes

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