Special Selection

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Y/N woke up to a series of knocks on her door. Barely one day in the new place, and she was already getting visitors. 

Grumbling, she got out of bed and went to the front of the apartment with every intention of complaining about how early it was, and how they woke her up. Y/N was never a morning person, and anyone that's ever lived with her knew that. She could stay up all hours of the night, but she was never one for the early hours of the day. 

"What?" She asked as she swung the door open. Her eyes softened when she saw David with a small cup of coffee and a bag of cheap donuts in his hand. 

"Surprise?" He said, handing her the bag of powdered donuts, "I thought I'd show you the ropes on your first day. We have a big meeting in thirty minutes," 

Y/N groaned in her head and motioned him inside the penthouse. She walked over to the large couch and plopped down, grabbing her phone in the process. She needed to tell Dinah that she wouldn't have much time to talk today. 

"What's the meeting about?" She asked him, donut in her mouth. 

Y/M💘: Hey babe, I won't have much time to talk today. 

"There's a couple of celebrities putting together a party and they want a little something to make it more fun," David said, smirking, "I figured they meant the special selection," 

Dinah😊: That's okay. I understand honey, stay safe. 

Y/N nodded, blushing at Dinah's text. The smallest things could make her fall head over heels with someone. So far, Dinah was doing a good job. 

"Give me like ten minutes to get ready, I'll be in the boardroom soon. If the clients get there before me, tell them I might be late," 

With that, David walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Y/N didn't even notice, she was so busy typing away at her phone. 

Y/N💘: Thank you for understanding 

Y/N💘: Maybe we can ft again later 

Y/N💘: alone this time. 

It took Dinah a few minutes to respond, but when she did, Y/N was a blushing mess. 

Dinah😊: I'm looking forward to it baby. 






everything is starting to unfold *hehe* 

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