The Meeting (Part Two)

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Y/N walked in the boardroom and all eyes were on her. Without acknowledging it, she took her seat and set her bag down on the glass table. She quickly unzipped it, grabbing a stack of papers.

"Hello, Ashley. It's nice to see you again," She muttered, bringing her tired eyes to the woman's lively ones. Ashley smiled sympathetically.

"Hey, my friend is a little late. I hope you don't mind," She said, scooting her chair further into the table, "Are you okay? David said you were having a rough day,"

She forced a smile on her face, mentally reminding herself to yell at David later. She didn't like it when clients knew she was having an off day.

"I'm good, just a little tired. Feeling a little sick," She half lied. She wasn't sick, but every time she thought of Dinah or the way the older girl made her feel her stomach started to ache.

Ashley nodded her head and bit her lip, "I really don't know what's taking her so long,"

The room went silent and all you could hear was a phone ringing in a different room. Knowing that it was probably just a random call, Y/N ignored it and looked down at the stack of papers in front of her. They weren't important and not really needed, but she liked to make it feel like it was.

"She just texted. She's on her way up the elevator," Ashley said, making Y/N look up, "Oh, and she's bringing friends, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, it's good,"


Dinah's POV:

"Ralph, where the fuck are we?" Dinah asked as the group of girls walked in a building that none of them were familiar with. She looked around, her eyes laying on several people. She all of a sudden felt insecure in her jeans and tennis shoes.

"I don't even know," Lauren muttered, causing the other girls to groan, "She said it was here,"

Lauren stopped walking and stared down at her phone, rereading something over again. She furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, it's here. I know we've got the right place,"

Dinah stood next to Lauren, watching as the other three girls walked around. They looked like lost puppies.

"Let's ask her," She said, pointing to the lady sitting at the desk.

"Hi, we're here with Ashley?" Lauren said, resting her hands on the cool marble desk. Dinah looked at the secretary, squinting her eyes at the worn down nametag. Jeanette.

"Oh, the meeting started a bit ago. Ride the elevator up and go all the way down the hall, they're waiting for you,"

Lauren muttered a quick thanks and ran over to the other girls, ushering them toward the elevator.

"What floor?" Dinah asked quickly, noticing that Lauren was waving her over.



"So, these friends of yours. Why are they coming here, exactly?" Y/N asked, picking at her nails. She and Ashley started a small conversation a while ago to kill time.

"They have experience with these things," Ashley said, chuckling, "One of them does, anyway. I don't know why the others are coming,"

Y/N stopped picking, "You know what they say, the more the merrier,"


Dinah's POV:

"What's the meeting for?" Ally asked as Lauren pushed the elevator buttons. All five girls were there, four of them confused and lost. Lauren smiled.

"She wants me to help her make sure everything she ordered is corrext. You guys weren't planning on doing anything, so I brought you,"

They all nodded. The elevator dinged, and they all rushed out, tripping over one another.

Dinah looked around. They were in a hallway aligned with large glass windows. It smelled fresh and clean. She could hear to muffled voices from the other end. That must be where they needed to go.

"Let's go," Lauren said, walking towards the end.


"Hey, Ash, sorry we're late," A girl said, walking into the boardroom with three other girls trailing behind her.

Y/N looked over them all. She couldn't help but to think that they looked oddly familiar.

"Where's D?" Ashley asked Lauren, who was seated in the chair to the left of Y/N.

"Oh, she's texting someone. She'll come in soon," Lauren looked from Ashley to Y/N, "Oh, hey. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Y/N shrugged her shoulders and clapped her hands, "Ready for ti get started?"


Normani's POV:

She looked at the girl over and over again, her eyes widening when she realized who it was. Dinah's crush, Y/N Y/LN. She was surprised Lauren couldn't tell right away.

Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Normani nudged Ally's side. The older girl winced and glared at her, her eyes softening when she realized she was trying to tell her something.

"Look. Isn't that Dinah's Y/N?" Normani whispered.

She watched as Ally looked at the you girl, who was talking to Ashley and Lauren about their deal. Ally nodded.

"Holy fuck,"


Dinah's POV:

Dinah😊: Shit, Y/N. Why aren't you answering?

She texted the girl, giving up after five minutes. She was already late to Lauren's meeting and she didn't want to be any more of a mess than she already was. She slid her phone in her pocket and walked in the room, head down.

Dinah could hear Ally and Normani whispering to each other as Lauren and Ashley talked to someone about their meeting. One of the voices sounded familiar.

"Dinah," Ally whispered, causing the distracted girl to look up. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Look," Ally pointed to Ashley and Lauren's friend. Dinah looked over and suddenly realized why the voice sounded familiar.



And I oop-

I'm sorry for leaving it like this.

Expect only a few more chapters.

But holy shit, ya meet for the first time.

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