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CreepyDinah: Hey, I'm sorry about earlier.

CreepyDinah: My friend and I got in a fight.

SassyY/N: It's all good. Are you okay though?

CreepyDinah: Yeah, I'm fine.

CreepyDinah: I'm just a little lonely at the moment.

SassyY/N: Me too lol.

CreepyDinah: Then maybe we can help each other out.

CreepyDinah: Friends?

SassyY/N: Yeah, friends :)

Dinah😊: Oh, I wasn't expecting that.

Dinah😊: If you don't mind me asking, what's with the change of heart?

Y/N💘: To be honest, I'm not sure.

Dinah😊: Oh, okay.

Dinah😊: So how old are you?

Y/N💘: I'm 18, I turn 19 in July.

Dinah😊: Oh, cool.

Dinah😊: I'm 20.

Y/N💘: Nice lol 

Dinah😊: Yeah.. Where do you live?

Y/N💘: Take me out on a date first 😂😂

Y/N💘: Jkjk

Y/N💘: I live in California. 

Dinah😊: Omg really?!

Dinah😊: My friends and I have a house there 😂

Y/N💘: Wow, that's actually cool 

Y/N💘: Anyway, I have to go to work

Y/N💘: Bye 

Dinah😊: Bye bbg 💕





So y'all are friends now.....

ya not fuckin yet...... yet.

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