The End

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Two Days Later...

"So you're okay with everything?" Y/N asked her girlfriend, who was playing with the hem of her t-shirt. They were sitting in the girls' house, talking everything that happened in the past few days.

Dinah nodded, "Yeah babe. I'm fine with it. It's not like you're doing anything hardcore,"

Y/N smiled up at Dinah and planted a kiss below her jaw. She felt the older girl shiver.

"I love you, Dinah Jane. I love everything about you," She said, saying the last part to herself.

In the past couple of days, the pair went through a lot. The first day was fighting and yelling at each other about every mistake they made, pointing fingers and crying. The next was kissing, cuddling and falling in love all over again. Now, they were cuddled up in the living room, staring at each other's eyes.

"You know, if I didn't know you, I wouldn't think you were capable of dealing drugs," Dinah chuckled, brushing hair from Y/N's eye.

"And why's that?" Y/N playfully asked, loving the way Dinah was looking at her.

"Because you're cute,"

"Dude what? I'm badass," She whined pushing herself off of Dinah. She pretended to pount on the other end of the couch.

Dinah laughed and picked her up, placing her so that she was straddling her. She kissed Y/N's nose.

"You're badass," She whispered, "But around me, you're different. You're cute and beautiful and you smile more. So yes, you're cute baby girl,"



P.s. I might be doing Ally next, she's under appreciated.

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