C h a p t e r E i g h t

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Y/n's POV

Sarus. Sarus. Who was he? His name is so familiar, yet I don't remember him. I can't just go around asking if anyone knows who Sarus is or they'll look at me like I'm insane!

Where can I go? Where can I go? Well, I could go to the library, but I highly doubt this 'Sarus' guy is famous enough to have information written about him in the library.

I can ask Minerva?

No, she'll just be curious and ask who it is when even I have no idea who the hell it is!


No, I doubt he knows anything. Plus, what if I actually know this guy and Sting gets jealous? He won't admit it, but he's a super jealous guy. I see the way he puts his arm around me when a boy looks at me.

I need to find out who Sarus is! This could help me understand my past and who I am!

Although I doubted Sarus was in a book, I decided to look anyway.

"Is there anything specific you're looking for?" The librarian asked me.

"Yes, do you have any books on Sarus?" I asked. My plan was that if she said no and asked who he was, I'd pretend I got the name wrong and say I thought he was from a story book.

"Ah, mythology. It should be around there," She pointed me to the last aisle of books. I thanked her and walked off. Mythology? So weird.

They had an individual book for every single god and goddess, then I saw one that said Sarus. My heart stopped. Who was this guy?

I picked it up and flicked through its pages.

Sarus is the God of Tricks. He is portrayed as a young boy with blonde hair and green eyes. He enjoys pulling pranks on all the gods in his spare time.

Sarus is believed to have died quite young, along with all the other gods and goddesses due to the unknown cause that wiped them all out.

I almost dropped the book. My hands were shaking. How did I have a flashback of him? I wasn't even alive when these mythical beings were.

I decided to borrow the book, my head spinning with a thousand thoughts. This didn't add up. I need to take a closer look on this later when I'm not as feeling as stunned as I do right now.

Maybe I just had a random dream. Maybe it's nothing. Yeah! I bet I was just tired!

I tried to believe my own words, but I just couldn't. I knew that things didn't add up, but I knew it wasn't just a dream because it all just seemed too familiar to be a dream.

I went back to the guild, needing a distraction from it.

Sting's POV

"Did you see Y/n at the temple? She zoned out," I asked Minerva and Rogue, "Has she said anything to you guys? I'm worried about her."

"She's not spoken to me since the temple incident," Minerva shook her head.

"Same here," Rogue nodded.

"I haven't seen her since yesterday either," I sighed.

"Maybe because you haven't been out of this office since then," Minerva pointed out.

"For all you know, Y/n may just be hanging downstairs with the others," Rogue added.

"Usually she'd come to see me..." I frowned and as if it was on call, Y/n walked in. She looked unsettled and anxious.

"Hey Sting," She forced a smile on her face and came over.

"Y/n," I smiled, getting up to hug her. Before pulling away, I kissed her on the forehead, "How have you been?"

"I've been good," She nodded. I could tell she was lying. She practically had 'uneasy' written across her forehead, and if it wasn't as obvious as that, her eyes said it all.

"Rogue and I should get going. I'll see you later Y/n," Minerva and Rogue stood up, knowing that they should give us some alone time.

"Bye Minerva," Y/n waved. When the door shut, she met my eyes, "What is it?"

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing's wrong," She shook her head with a small laugh.

"I know there's something bothering you, you're a bad liar," I crossed my arms.

"I'm fine," She shook her head, giving me a smile, "You wanna go to the cafe? I want a drink."

"Okay," I nodded. She was changing the subject. I'll be sure to ask her later about it again. I don't want to push her now since she might feel overwhelmed.

When we got to the cafe, we both ordered our drinks. There was a little tension between Y/n and the person taking out order, probably because she was the one who Y/n almost killed last time.

When she gave us our coffee, Y/n gave her a sweet smile.

"I'm so glad you remembered how I prefer my coffee when it stays in the cup," Y/n batted her eyelashes. I did my best to hold in my laugh.

We sat down at the corner of the cafe where it was slightly emptier.

"You really are something," I chuckled.

"I was just showing her that I haven't forgotten nor will I forget what happened last time," She pouted. So adorable.

I put a hand on her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her softly.

"What was that for?" Y/n asked when we pulled away.

"Dunno. I just felt like kissing you because you looked too adorable," I smirked as her cheeks went bright red.

"Am I interrupting something...?" I heard Minerva speak. She was next to our table. We didn't even notice when she got here. God, I hope she hasn't been here the whole time. I mean, at least it's not Rogue. Rogue would tease me until the day I die.

"Oh hey M'lady," I cleared my throat.

"I just came because Porlyusica wants to see you, Y/n," Minerva locked eyes with Y/n, as if trying to tell her a different message through her eyes.

"Oh, okay," Y/n nodded and turned to me, "I'll see you back at the guild."

"Okay," I nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Y/n's POV

"HOW CAN YOU FORGET ABOUT THE INJECTIONS?!" Porlyusica scolded me whilst she was preparing it.

"Usually it's a reminder when I get dizzy," I spoke.

"SO WHY WERE YOU NOT REMINDED?!!" She glowered at me, "Stupid human."

"I don't know! I didn't get dizzy this time!" I answered, slightly defensively.

"Thats odd..." Porlyusica commented, "Did anything happen? Anything unusual?"

I told her about my temple situation about Sarus, but then said how I doubted it was the cause.

"I see," Porlyusica nodded slowly, "You don't know anything about your past, do you Y/n?"

"Nope," I shook my head.

"Do you think that could've been a flashback?"

"I don't see how it'd be possible. Sarus died a long time ago and he was a god."

"I think things should be unravelling themselves soon, Y/n."

"What do you mean, Porlyusica?"

"It's just a hunch."

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