C h a p t e r T w e n t y

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Sting's POV

"So it was another guild that was sent to attack us?" I raised an eyebrow. Minerva and Rogue were updating me on what had happened whilst I laid helplessly during the whole incident. My body was still in pain and I felt paralysed.

"Yeah," Rogue nodded, "They said they were hired to attack us."

"So, you think it might be the same person as the other two times?" I asked.

"Yes, it's been three days and we've been attacked one day after another. They must be from the same person," Minerva explained, "The timing is too exact to be coincidental."

"So do you have any ideas on who it might be?" I continued to ask.

Minerva and Rogue looked at each other as if debating whether or not it was a good idea to tell me.

"Well, Y/n might have but..." Rogue trailed off, looking down at the floorZ

"But what? Is she okay?" I suddenly felt worry fill me.

"Uh, it's hard to say..." Minerva responded.

"She's kind of..." Rogue began, "...missing...?"

"SHE'S WHAT?!" I shouted.

"We don't know where she is. We didn't want to tell you, but we knew you'd have to know eventually, but we knew how you'd react so we tried to not tell you, but uh...yeah, she went somewhere," Minerva spoke really quickly.

"She went where?!" I flipped, "Please tell me you know at least whereabouts she went."

"We don't know," Rogue responded calmly, "She asked who sent them and they answered, but it was so quiet none of us could hear it, then she just sprinted out the guild hall."

"Why didn't you go after her?!" I groaned, clutching onto my head, trying to get my head around the situation.

"I lost her scent within the first few seconds, meaning she was already too far for us to even attempt to catch up," Rogue replied.

"How long has it been since then?" I asked.

"Only an hour," Minerva answered.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!!" I roared.

"Didn't you hear them? They said they don't know where she went," Porlyusica came in, "Regardless, you can't go looking for her until you're fully well."

"I HAVE TO!" I shouted, trying to get up before the pain engulfed me. I can't move.

"You can't," Porlyusica spoke simply, "Both physically and mentally you can't. If you actually could move to go find her, you'd be very reckless and probably end up getting yourself killed, but the sad truth is, you can't even move, let alone attack."

"I need to find her," I groaned.

"Yes, you do, but not right now. You're too injured to go," Porlyusica spoke.

"We can go looking for her," Rogue suggested.

As much as I wanted to go look for her myself, I knew Porlyusica was right. I could hardly move without howling in pain, and if I do see an enemy, what would I do? I can't exactly fight in this form.

"Yeah, go look for Y/n. Please," I nodded reluctantly. I just wanted to know if she was safe or not. Like I said, I'm not losing her again.

"Understood," Rogue nodded as he walked out with Minerva.

Y/n's POV

After running at full speed to the temple, I got there, crouched over with my hands on my knees, breathing heavily.

The temple towered over me. It used to feel welcoming, now...it just didn't feel right. It was like it was trying to intimidate me. Shrugging it off as if it was nothing, I walked into the temple.

As I walked to the room with the picture we assembled on that job, I knew something was wrong. The people were still there. The ones with winged weapons, halos or horns, but the baby wasn't there. They were crowded around where the baby would be, but their faces were filled with sadness and they were all crying.

Above them all, there was an evil figure. It was Dhutia hovering above them with a smirk on his face.

He must've been in this temple and messed around with it. What an idiot.

I knew he wasn't in here right now because I couldn't sense any of his magic, but there was something in this temple. It was approaching me at a fast speed. I could hear it's steps and the growls got louder.

I screamed as a creature launched itself at me. I stumbled backwards, just about dodging it and got a clear look at it. It looked like a furry beast with oversized teeth and eyes. It was a round shape and the legs were hidden in the fluff.

I put my hand out, shooting an attack so it stayed away. It howled as it was thrown into the brick wall behind it. I stood up, stepping closer to the monster I had pinned to the wall with my magic before knocking it unconscious

"Well that's not very nice, is it?" I heard a voice behind me, then I felt the intense magic power.

"Step away!" I swiped my arm as I turned around, causing there to be some wind as the figure was pushed back a little.

"Long time no see, my favourite niece," Dhutia smirked, "It's nice to see you again."

"Stop sending those dark guilds to Sabertooth," I ordered. He looked at me before laughing hysterically.

"Oh, you're being serious?" He stopped laughing.

"That's my family. You do not mess with them," I continued.

"No, your family is Vammera and Gather. Your family is dead," He snarled, "And so will the rest of your loved ones."

"No, they won't," I growled.

What I didn't notice was the monster behind me stirring in its sleep. Dhutia crossed his arms with a smirk.

"You hurt my dear friend quite a bit, so I won't be taking that lightly," Dhutia stated.

"I only made it unconscious. Plus, your pet, or whatever that thing is, tried to attack me," I rolled my eyes.

I didn't realise Dhutia was trying to drag out the time. Why? Because his monster behind me was waking up.

I only heard a loud howl before it knocked me down from behind, forcing me to the floor. It was so heavy, I couldn't move.

"You'll be coming with me," Dhutia put a finger under my chin to force me to look him in the eyes. His eyes swirled a little, then everything just went black for me.

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