C h a p t e r T w e n t y F i v e

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Sting's POV

"I asked for a plan to find Y/n, not a death wish."

I couldn't believe Mavis' words. She wanted us to go find Zeref? Zeref as in the super evil but weirdly cute guy? Zeref as in the Black Wizard everyone is terrified of? Yeah, I don't think so.

"I'm being serious," Mavis looked me straight in the eye, "Zeref may help you to locate Dhutia, Y/n and Minerva. He knows the forests like the palm of his hand."

"He'll probably kill us in the process," Rogue grumbled.

"No, I don't think he will. After all, he's helping out a close friend," Makarov shook his head.

"Mavis?" Rogue asked.

"No, Y/n," Makarov responded.

"Y/n is close friends with Zeref?!" I exclaimed, "No way! I never knew!"

"When Jiemma kept her hidden, she and Zeref would send each other letters," Mavis explained.

"I never knew," I mumbled.

"Anyway, the plan is, for today you will train, tomorrow you will rest, and the day after you will set out to find Zeref alongside some of Fairy Tail's members who will also be training with you," Mavis continued.

"Which members?" Rogue asked.

"Natsu, Laxus, Erza, Mirajane," Makarov spoke, "I would've put Gajeel on the team, but he won't be back until next week because of the job he's been on with Levy."

"But what's our plan after we find Zeref?" Rogue questioned.

"Follow his directions and fight," Makarov shrugged.

"Well that's a detailed and reassuring plan," I scoffed.

"The issue is, we can plan however much we want, but it's useless if Dhutia is involved. He's a god. Anything can happen. None of my plans will work out the way that I think they will so we just have to go with it," Mavis explained.

"I see. Well I guess we'd better get training," I nodded.

We used a large training field that was located on the outskirts of Magnolia. It was far away from everyone so wizards could go to their full power and not hurt anyone. There was training equipment that had been specially crafted to not break no matter how big of a magic force is shot at it...unless you're Acnologia, Dhutia, Y/n or Zeref.

In all fairness though, Acnologia is a dragon so I don't think he'd be very interested in training here anyway, Dhutia is the God of War, he probably has his own battlefield, Y/n's parents are gods so that makes her one too, and Zeref is...Zeref is Zeref.

The other Fairy Tail members joined us and we all trained together.

Y/n's POV

"DHUTIA!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "HELLO?!"

It was 4am. Since I've realised I can't attack Dhutia whilst I'm in this glass column, I'll just annoy him!

The place that he's kept me in, he also sleeps in here. I think his bedroom is literally the room opposite the lab that I'm in.

"DHUTIA!!!" I yelled even louder.

The lab door swung open and Dhutia stood there. His hair was all knotted and his eyes were bloodshot. Did I mention that I've been doing this for three days now?

"GO TO SLEEP!" He howled at me. Oops, I don't think he is very happy with me.

"No, I don't think I will," I smiled at him, shaking my head slightly.

"Why aren't you tired?" He groaned, "It's 4am!"

"If you haven't noticed Dhutia, I'm soaked in your magical water thing that you filled this glass column up with. I can breathe through it but I found out that it also makes me not need sleep. I haven't slept at all since I got here, but I'm completely fine, so it must be the water," I explained in a cheerful tone.

"Great. Be quiet then," Dhutia began to stomp back to his room.

"WAIT DHUTIA-" I began but I was cut off by his scream. At least I tried to warn him.

"OW!" He yelped. He stood on some broken glass again. What a joke.

"So...when are you going to stop being so stubborn and invest in some shoes?" I crossed my arms, "If you get shoes, maybe you'll actually get in a relationship with someone too!"

"Don't concern yourself with my love life!" Dhutia scoffed.

"You concern yourself with mine," I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm allowed to. I'm your uncle," Dhutia grumbled. Why did he have to remind me? I completely forgot about that.

"That is not an excuse," I rolled my eyes, "And don't say that ever again. It just sounds weird."

"Aww, are you embarrassed of your Uncle Dhutia?" He mocked.


Sting's POV

My bones ached the next day from the extreme training from the day before. It hurt to breathe. I decided to do a few stretches that would've probably benefitted me more if I had stretched before training instead of now, but oh well.

Today is rest day anyway. Tomorrow is the day we find Zeref. I hope we find him on the first day otherwise we have to camp out and everything which is just time consuming.

I was a little worried about the...I can't even call it a plan. It's just not a plan. We just have to find Zeref and go from there. What if Zeref doesn't even know where Y/n is? What if him and Y/n don't even know each other and he kills us for wasting his time? What if they used to be friends but they aren't anymore and he gets angry that we reminded him of it? What if-

My head was pulled out of the clouds by a knock on my door. I went over to the door, trying to ignore the excruciating pain my body felt, and opened it. Mirajane stood in the doorway holding a tray with some hot drinks.

"Here, have one of these chamomile teas! Chamomile has the property of helping to relax sore muscles, so it might help you," She said with a smile, "Everyone is struggling a lot this morning after yesterday's training session."

"Thanks Mira. Aren't you in pain?" I took one and asked, taking a sip of the drink.

"A little, but this'll help a lot. It would've been selfish for me to leave you all with sore muscles when I had a remedy for it," Mirajane responded.

"Ah, I see," I nodded slowly, "So we're setting out tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Mirajane nodded.

"I hope everything works out," I sighed.

"Don't worry Sting, we'll get your Y/n back."

"I hope so."

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