C h a p t e r T w e n t y E i g h t

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Sting's POV

This was getting so stupid. It's been like, ten hours and we finally came back from the library. I was getting so frustrated. We all had to wear disguises and I look so stupid. People can probably sense Zeref's intense power from a mile away! What was the point of a disguise? He might as well've just not disguised himself, scare the hell out of everyone, then no one would've stared at us during our visit.

Everyone was finding out information that we already knew! It was a complete waste of time. Y/n must definitely think I've given up on her now. I hope Dhutia hasn't hurt her. I want to kill him!

We were now back at the fireplace, 'sharing' the things we found out.


"So Dhutia is apparently the only god that-" Natsu began.

"That has a possibility of being alive," I cut him off, "We know."

"And that he's the god of-" Mirajane began as well.

"War. He's the God of War. Everyone knew that," Rogue also cut her off. He was getting restless too. I wonder if he felt the same way I did about this plan.

"Calm down, both of you," Erza spoke sternly, "We're just clarifying facts so we don't misunderstand anything. If we misunderstood something, it could put us in grave danger."

"How could it possibly put us in grave danger?" Rogue groaned, "If anything, we're the ones putting Minerva and Y/n in grave danger by taking our time!"

"We won't know how to attack if we don't have information on Dhutia's abilities," Laxus explained, "We don't know how powerful he is or if he has any weaknesses."

"HE'S A GOD! ISN'T THAT ALL WE NEED TO KNOW?" Rogue yelled. Wow, he was really losing his cool. The last time I saw him this mad was when Lector lost Frosch. I shuddered at the memory of Rogue getting mad.

"Rogue, calm down," Erza ordered, "Acting reckless isn't going to help find Minerva. We need to think things through."

"I'm going to take a walk," I stood up from the log and everyone looked at me, "I'll be back in a bit."

I left without another word and I could feel their intense stares on me, but I ignored it. I walked away from the campsite and deeper into the forest.

It was silent. Maybe the birds didn't return after Natsu and Rogue scared the hell out of them...

The silence was kind of peaceful. It put me a little more at ease. My body felt so weak because of the lack of food and sleep from the past few days.

I just really miss Y/n.

Y/n's POV

"Dhutia?" I spoke weakly. My body was in unbearable pain from what happened earlier. I was also now encased in two glass columns so it was more difficult to break out of.

"Yes?" Dhutia raised an eyebrow.

"I really hate you," I smiled sweetly.

"The feeling is mutual," Dhutia smiled.

"I want to slap you with a fish," I continued, "And I want you to get eaten by a shark, and I want to high five your face with a brick, and I want you to step on ten legos, and I want you to accidentally fall off a cliff-"

"Well aren't you just a creative person," Dhutia scoffed.

"I also hope you get cursed by a witch, and get poisoned by Porlyusica, and sit on a cactus, and get stuck in a toilet seat," I listed, "And-"

"I get it, you hate me," Dhutia groaned.

"Really? Was it that obvious?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure you're going to hate me even more when I come back," Dhutia laughed.

"When you come back? Where are you going?" I asked ,"Great now you're leaving me alone. CAN YOU AT LEAST BRING MINERVA HERE? I HAVE LONELY-ITIS YOU INCONSIDERATE FREAK!"

"CALM YOURSELF! And nowhere special," Dhutia smirked, "Just paying your boyfriend a little visit."

My eyes widened. He was going to Sting?! Then it hit me.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hitting the glass column which wouldn't budge, "DHUTIA!!!"

"I'll see you later!" Dhutia waved, walking straight out the door, "I'll tell him you said hi."


I sat down in my glass column, hugging my knees. I hope he'll be okay.

Please don't get hurt Sting...

Sting's POV

"DO YOU GUYS EVEN CARE THAT THEY'RE MISSING?!" I shouted. When I finally decided to return back to the campsite, the others had just told me that they'd continue the search tomorrow. We've just wasted a whole day!

"Of course we do!" Natsu yelled back. I think the lack of sleep is finally getting to me. I haven't slept in days and everything is annoying me. Maybe everything is just annoying and I'm not the problem. yeah, let's go with that.

"THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP PROLONGING EVERYTHING?!" I argued. When I didn't receive an answer that satisfied my standards, I stormed off back into the forest.

They probably don't even care about Y/n or Minerva!

I suddenly felt a really strong presence. This person had a lot of power. When I looked up from the ground, there he stood.

Black hair.

White eyes.

That sinister smirk that I hated.

I found Dhutia.

Or rather, he found me.

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