C h a p t e r T h i r t y E i g h t

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Sting's POV

"So the whole time when Dhutia was fighting me, and he used those attacks on me, they were similar to yours because they are yours?" I gulped.

"Yeah," Y/n nodded.

"So he fully took all of your magic?" I continued, not being able to comprehend it. How was that even possible? What did he have to do to even take her power? She must've been through so much.

"Every last drop," She chuckled as if it was a joke, but I knew she was extremely upset about it. I felt a dagger being dragged through my heart.

I wasn't sure how to react. I was freaking out because Dhutia was now probably the most powerful being in all of history, but I was worried because I wasn't sure how Y/n was feeling about the situation.

"What about you? Are you okay?" I asked, immediately mentally punching myself for asking such a stupid question. Of course she isn't okay. She's just had all her magic taken away just when she finally escaped him.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," She gave me a smile, but I could see how forced it was. Even her eyes were screaming sadness at me.

"We'll get it back," I reassured her, wrapping my arms around her gently, being careful not to hurt either of us since our injuries were still not fully healed. She rested her head on my shoulder, her warm breath fanning against my neck.

"I hope so Sting," She spoke with a sad tone in her voice. I pulled her impossibly closer to me as if it would protect her from everything in the world that could hurt her. I wish it could, but since it can't, I'll just have to beat the hell out of whoever or whatever hurts her. That'll have to do.

Then I heard her sniff. Is she...crying? It's like she was trying to hold it back. My heart felt like it was getting ripped apart.

"Hey...you can cry if you need to..." I spoke softly, running my hand through her hair, whilst my other hand still held her close to me, "We can't all be strong all the time."

Then she burst into tears. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my sofa where we laid. She cuddled up to me as she continued crying and I just held her close, wiping her tears away with my thumb.

She cried for about half an hour before she fell asleep in my arms, her eyes red and sore from crying. She breathed steadily as she drifted into dreamland.

My poor angel...

It angered me that Dhutia had done this to her, but that's what made me feel uneasy. How would I be able to defeat him if he has both his and Y/n's powers combined? The chances seem extremely low, after all, I'm just a dragon slayer.

Minerva's POV

"How are you feeling?" Rogue asked me, sitting on the sofa next to me. We were in the main part of the guild hall and everyone kept coming up to me, asking how I was feeling. It felt nice to be home.

"A lot better," I gave him a smile, "Have you heard anything from Sting and Y/n?"

Then he brushed his fringe back slightly, revealing a glowing bruise on his cheek. I almost choked. It was actually glowing. That must be so painful, wow.

"I tried to check in," Rogue mumbled, "But Sting pushed me out...punched me out with his magic. I think Y/n was sleeping so he didn't want me to wake her up."

"Oh wow, the bruise is...wow," I murmured, using my hand to push the hair out the way so I could see it clearer.

I didn't realise how close I was to his face until I made eye contact with him.

"I missed you," He breathed out, closing the space in between us as our lips connected.

"I missed you too," I responded once we separated. We almost forgot that we were still in the guild hall. That was until everyone started clapping.

"ROGUE SHOWS AFFECTION! WHAT?!" Orga shouted, whistling.

"CONGRATULATIONS ROGUE!" Rufus clapped with a smirk.

"You all have three seconds until I kill all of you," Rogue growled.

"I'LL KILL YOU ALL BEFORE THEN!" A loud bellow came from the staircase. We all looked and saw Sting there, "YOU GUYS DISTURBED MY GIRLFRIEND'S NAP!"

"Well... I'M OUT!" Orga practically flew out the door.

"I'll definitely remember this!" Rufus followed Orga.

"Can we not kill anyone today? Please?" I heard a softer voice near Sting. It was Y/n who you could tell she just woke up because she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She sort of resembled a really cute teddy bear. I wonder if I ever look like that to Rogue...

Y/n then put her arms around Sting, hugging him from the back. Wow, note to self, I need to start taking tips from Y/n...

When the guild returned back to somewhat normal, Sting and Y/n came up to us. They explained how Y/n had lost her magic so we volunteered to help her. She is my best friend after all.

"Let's ask and look around to see if anyone has any ideas on how to get magic back," Rogue suggested and I nodded as we set out.

We spent all day trying to find a solution to the problem, but came back empty-handed. It seems that the spell of taking someone's magic away was far too advanced for even the strongest wizards.

"Damn, what do we do now?" Rogue groaned as we sat on the Sabertooth guild hall's steps. We didn't want to go in empty-handed and disappoint Y/n.

"I don't know what we can do," I frowned.

"You guys don't have to do anything," We turned around and saw Y/n standing there, "It wouldn't have been easy anyway...I'll just live without magic...!"

She tried to force a smile on her face, but we could see right through it. She just wanted to make us feel better about not finding a solution.

I signalled for Rogue to go in first, so he nodded before getting up, giving Y/n a comforting pat on the head and entering the guild hall.

"I think you should ask Zeref. We've asked all the powerful wizards, but not him because...well that's pretty self-explanatory," I explained, "He might know what to do."

"...Yeah, you're right," Y/n nodded, "I'll tell Sting and I'll go find him tomorrow."

The Hidden One (Sting x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu