C h a p t e r T w e n t y S i x

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Sting's POV

"So where could Zeref possibly be?" Rogue asked Mavis. Mavis chuckled awkwardly as Rogue raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you see..." Mavis began, twiddling her thumbs.

"I'll just smell him out!" Natsu smirked cockily, crossing his arms.

"Smell him out from the whole of the forest?" Laxus scoffed, "Natsu, if we thought that was possible, Sting and Rogue would've done it."

"Maybe they didn't think of it," Happy contributed.

"Happy, I think they would've. It's for Y/n and Minerva. No doubt they've gone through every possible way to track down Zeref just to find those two," Erza spoke sternly.

"So what do we do now?" Mirajane sighed.

"I guess we just walk around and hope he turns up," Laxus answered. In all fairness, that really was our only answer. What else could we do?

"ZEREF, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!" Rogue yelled from the top of a tree. When the hell did he get up there? He's acting like a damn monkey.

"I'M LOUDER!" Natsu appeared on the tree next to him, shouting at the top of his lungs, "ZEREF! WHERE ARE YOU?"

The forest was continued to be disturbed by their shouts. I couldn't even tell if they were competing because it seemed like they were. Even the birds abandoned the trees they stood on.

"ENOUGH!" Erza ordered and they both went silent, slowly climbing down from the trees and standing in front of Erza with their heads bowed, "Stop being immature. We don't have time to be playing around."

"Yes Erza," They both responded in a monotone but guilty voice.

"What if we split up into pairs? Then we can cover more ground and there'll be two of us just in case one is in trouble," Mirajane suggested.

"I think Mira has a good plan," Erza nodded, "Laxus and Sting, Natsu and Rogue, Mirajane and I. First master, which pair do you want to go into?"

"I'll travel between the three pairs," Mavis responded.

"Sounds good," We all nodded and split up.

It was silent. Laxus was a...uh...intimidating person. He just looks so...well...intimidating. I mean, he needs to share his workout routine because wow. His muscles make me look skeletal.

"What are you staring at?" Laxus grumbled. I was staring at him? Oh, this could get really awkward. I'll just dig my grave now. I looked back at the path ahead and continued walking, "You miss Y/n, don't you?"

"Yeah, a lot," I nodded with a sigh.

"We'll get her back," Laxus spoke with certainty, "And when we find Dhutia, you'd better show him who the hell he was messing with, got it?"

"Yes sir!" I nodded.

Y/n's POV

I've lost track of how long it's been since I've been locked in this anti-magic cylinder. I've lost track of how many times I've been electrocuted by Dhutia's attempts at extracting my power. I've lost track of how many times I've almost thought Sting forgot about me.

He wouldn't, would he?

"He's not coming for you," Dhutia mocked in a sing-song voice.

"Go step on a lego, caveman," I rolled my eyes, "Or better yet, go get some friends!"

"I do have friends!" Dhutia exclaimed.


"THEY AREN'T IMAGINARY!" Dhutia yelled defensively.

"I TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU!" I yelled back sarcastically.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth getting the power out of you. You're so annoying," Dhutia grumbled. Then I had an idea.

"I'll stop being annoying on one condition," I smirked.

"We aren't doing deals," Dhutia shook his head.

"Did you know I sing too?" I raised my eyebrows.

"NO. DON'T SING. WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Dhutia panicked, worried I'd sing annoyingly for hours on end.

"I want Minerva back next to me," I crossed my arms.

"Not happening," Dhutia scoffed.

"IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE!" I sang loudly. It was the first song that came to mind. Imagine by John Lennon.

"SHUT UP!" Dhutia howled.

Sting's POV

We all ended up with nothing on where Zeref was, so we met up at the spot we were at earlier.

That's when we saw him. Just behind a couple trees, the Black Wizard, Zeref, sat with his back leaning on a tree trunk.

"Zeref!" Rogue exclaimed as we all ran up to him.

"Get away! I'll hurt you! Please go!" Zeref began to panick. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just hurt us, he'd kill us!

"Please Zeref, we need your help with Y/n!" I begged, hoping that would somehow stop his magic from activating. Sure enough, it did. It stopped as soon as he heard Y/n's name being mentioned.

"What's wrong with Y/n?!" Zeref asked, standing up, his eyes filled with worry.

"She and Minerva have been taken by Dhutia," Rogue responded.

"DHUTIA? I'LL KILL HIM!" Zeref glowered.

"That's great and all, but we need to find him first," Laxus spoke, "That's why we came to you."

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