C h a p t e r T w e l v e

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Y/n's POV

"YOU PROMISED YOU'D COME BACK!!!" I screamed at her while hot tears streamed down my cheeks. My throat was raw and burning from how much I'd been crying. It was like all my memories of her being my mother came back to me, and it wasn't hitting me very well, "DO YOU KNOW HOW LOST I'VE BEEN?!"

She was floating in front of me as I was sat on the floor, on my knees, shouting and expressing the anger and hurt I felt. I don't know why all the memories of me and my mum have suddenly all flooded back to me. Maybe I opened up a chest of memories by accident when I had that flashback of my parents.

"I didn't have a choice, Y/n," My mother cried, "I wanted to protect you!"

"From what?!" I shouted, "Because to be completely honest, I think you're the one that hurt me in the end anyway!"

"FROM DHUTIA!!! HE WOULD'VE KILLED YOU Y/N!!!" She shouted back, her tears falling constantly, "I NEEDED TO KEEP YOU AWAY SO HE WOULDN'T KILL YOU."

"Who is that?" I asked, much calmer, the curiosity in me growing.

"Dhutia is the God of War," She responded just as calmly, "He's wanted to kill you for your power since you were born."

"Well...what happened?" I asked.

"There was a war between the Heavens and the Underworld. Dhutia fed off of the war energy, making him stronger than everyone, even me and your father, but there was one person he wasn't stronger than," She recounted.

"Who was that?" I pressed on.

"That was you," She responded, "He tried to kill you due to the jealousy he felt."

"And then what happened?"

"I don't know. All the Gods and Goddesses were wiped out because of him, therefore I don't know what happened to you afterwards," She looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry Y/n."

"...It's okay mum. You were just trying to protect me," I sighed, finally accepting the whole situation, "But I really miss you. I've been so lost."

"I know, I wish I could just hug you again," My mother teared up.

"Mum...what are you?" I asked.

"I'm the Goddess of all, Vammera," She responded. A goddess? I wanted to question her more, but just at that moment, I heard footsteps sprinting towards me. My mother disappeared.

"Y/N!!!" It was Sting. He sounded mad...really mad.

Minerva and Rogue were following behind him with worry plastered over both their faces.

"YOU LIED TO ME!!!" He shouted at me angrily. I've never seen him so mad before.

"I'm sorry! I needed to find out more! And I did!" I spoke, apologising but then smiling at my new discoveries.

"It's always about your past isn't it, Y/n?" Sting scoffed, "Always about finding out who you really are... I'm sick of it."

"Sting doesn't mean that," Rogue cut in.

"I think he does," I stood up, feeling the anger rise in me too.

"No, he doesn't," Minerva shook her head, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Yes I do," Sting spoke bluntly.

"Don't do something you'll regret Sting," Rogue warned.

"No really, go on. Say it Sting," I laughed bitterly, "Tell me about how sick you are of me trying to find out who I really am so I can get rid of the feeling of always feeling lost."

"I'm breaking up with you," Sting responded with a straight face.

"Of course you are," I laughed even more, masking the pain with my laugh. It hurt. It really damn hurt. I felt like I just had my heart ripped apart.

Then Sting just turned around and walked out, not even looking back at me once when the tears built up in my eyes.

When he was fully out of sight, I fell to the ground, my hands covering my face and tears streaming out.

"Y/n, shhh, it's okay," Minerva bent down and hugged me tightly.

I've never felt so hurt before and I feel more lost now that I've lost someone else I love. I was crying and crying. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"He's a jerk," Rogue commented, also bending down and patting me on the head, "He'll come around though once he realises what he's lost."

Sting's POV

When I was quite far down the hallway, my heart broke when I heard Y/n's cries. I wanted to run back and apologise. I wanted to say I loved her and that I'll never leave her again.

But I didn't.

I walked back to the guild hall.

"Did you find Y/n?" Orga asked when I got in. Her name stabbed me right through the heart when I heard it.

"It doesn't matter. She can do what she wants," I scoffed.

"What do you mean?" Rufus asked.

"I broke up with her," I responded, ignoring the pain in my heart when I said it.

"You did what?!" Lector's slammed into my face when he flew to me.

"I broke up with Y/n."

"Why?! I liked her!" Lector frowned.

"Fro liked her too!" Frosch's eyes watered.

"Yeah, why the hell did you break up with Y/n?!" Dobengal raised an eyebrow.

"She must be so heartbroken, the poor girl," Rufus frowned at the thought. It broke my heart to think about it too. Her cries still echoing in my ears.

The guild went into an uproar.

"SHUT UP!!!" I shouted, then everyone went so silent that you could hear a pin drop, "What I do is none of your concern."

Then the doors opened. I saw Minerva and Rogue, but no Y/n. Rogue looked angry which is a surprise since he's generally the calm one.

"You're an idiot," Rogue glowered.

"Are you happy now?" Minerva asked me, raising her eyebrows, "I bloody hope so because you made a mess of that girl, Sting."

"Like I just said to the guild, what I do is none of your concern," I responded calmly.

"Yes it is! She's our friend!" Rogue suddenly lunges forward, punching me in the cheek, making me hit the wall behind me.

After another dirty look, Rogue and Minerva walked away, as did the rest of the guild.

Maybe I did mess up this time...

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