Two people, one mental illness

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You're the only one I trust
I'm the only one you trust

I only wish how you understood
How much you mean to me
My sister
My friend
My everything

If it wasn't for you
I wouldn't be here

That's why it hurts when you say you don't feel special to anyone
Because your so special to me

I just wish you could see
That you're so important
To me

I hate that I can't help
I hate that I can't say anything

You once said
You wished people talked to you
I'm sorry I never do
But I can't gather the courage
You have more than enough to deal with

I don't know what to do
What to say
To make you feel okay

It all feels like too much
The weight I feel on my shoulders

How can I help?

Why don't you just hit me until you feel better?

I have the same issue and yet
I have no clue how I'm supposed to help another

I'm the person that fixes
I fix
And I fix
And I fix

All the group fights
I fixed
The people that cried
I fixed

I can fix all that
But I can't fix this

I've tried all I can
Said everything I could think of
Why can't I help?

Do I help you?

I'm useless
Even more useless than normal

If you're reading this
Which you probably aren't

You are special to me
You are important to me
Even if you don't believe it

The Words I couldn't SayWhere stories live. Discover now