She Said She Felt

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I'm exhausted and tired
I need a break from the world

Her head pounded

Why is the world loud as a default
Even the silence is deafening

Her ears rang

Please, just hold on
You can get through this
Just a little while longer okay?

Her mind begged

Make it stop
Make the constant hurting stop
Stop it please
Somehow stop it

Her heart screamed

Don't look
Continue on
You didn't see or hear anything
You're happy
You're fine

Her stomach lurched

I am screaming so loudly
Why does no one hear me
Someone hear me please
I can't take it anymore

Her throat strained

I can't do it
I can't do this anymore
Everything hurts
My shoulders
My arms
My legs
They are so tired of holding up this weight

Her body stung with red cuts

Tell my mom I love her
Tell my dad I'll miss him
Tell every enemy I've had that it's okay
Tell my pets not to wait by the door for me
Tell my best friend not to wait for a goodnight text
Tell everyone to forget my face
Tell everyone it's better this way

Her everything was numb

I didn't care enough
I didn't notice her
How could I?
How come she didn't talk to me?
I was so selfish
She's gone
I let her leave I let her do this

The cycle continued on
The hurt never stopped
But many lives were put to an end

The reality is
Most stories don't have a happy ending
And you can't change that
There will always be another suicide
Another abused child
Another damaged soul

Even if the story does have a happy ending
It'll all end in death anyway
It always will

The Words I couldn't SayWhere stories live. Discover now