Do you know my name?

18 1 0

If I'm doomed
To be forever alone
At least tell me
If you know my name

If you know me

What my favorite color is
What I like to eat
My last name

I just want to know
That you care enough to know that much

I wish you'd text me
Let me know
You didn't forget

I know you don't like me
I wish you did
I wish you know
How long I've liked you
How much my heart beats next to you

I don't care
If you date someone else
My only hope is that we can at least
Be friends

At this point
I realize I fall
In two seconds flat
But I've only fallen
For three

Why do I fall easily?
I know none will accept me
And I don't have the bravery
To talk to them

Will I ever get over this?
Over you?

I don't know

Just please
Give me the comfort
Of knowing that you care
That you know my name
Who I am
If you notice me walking the halls
And in your head you say my name

That's all I want to know
Even if it's a lie
Just tell me

Do you know my name?

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