Its okay

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Dear Whoever Cares,
I'm trying. I'm trying to make it through, and I know oh god do I know how much no one cares. But your all I have right now, a fantasy of someone who's there but not. I don't know if that made sense but I hope you get it. I just I want that comfort of having someone, but I'm so terrified of being left alone. I guess I just want my heart to know someone's there, they can hear, they're listening to what I have to say. They don't need to say a word, I don't need to see their face, just feel in my heart that they're there; maybe even hear their breathing. But this is just for everyone I know, if you hate me or love me I don't care. I don't care if you've seen my scars, I don't care if you've seen me cry, just don't pity me. And for those I love deeply, I'm not okay. I'm not going to be okay for a long time but... that's alright. I just want you to know that I love you so much even if I've never told you I really do. I care about you. I'm worried about you. I want you to live the life you want. This is going to sound weird and dumb but... I miss you even when I'm talking to you even when I'm standing by your side I miss you. I know some of you won't be there in a year... I know some of you will... all I ask is that even if you leave me someday, please never leave my heart...


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