
14 0 0

Just little notes and things that don't fit anywhere


You know that feeling most people hate
The one that causes trust issues
And all that good stuff?
L-love I think it's called?
Whatever it is it's the best and worst feeling in the world


You ever just look up
See that person smile
And your heart soars?


I really wonder
If you're dreaming about me too
Thinking about me when you wake
And thinking about me when you close your eyes
Cause I'm thinking about you
Way too much


Honestly fuck if
Let's sneak out at midnight
And have the best day of our life's
Laying in an open field dancing to music
Maybe do something illegal
And be back home before anyone notices we left


I've been thinking
Let's go somewhere
Not somewhere close
Somewhere far far away

Let's go there by car and plane
And while we travel

We'll sing at the top of our lungs
Laugh until we can't breath
Almost get killed
Make weird faces and noises
Talk about life
Watch the sunset
Watch the sunrise
And grow together as people
So when we get to our destination
We can let the crazy in us loose


Are you ever sitting in class
And your heart suddenly cries?
But you have to keep it together
At least until you walk out the door

And then when you finally can cry
Nothing comes out
It's just about the most frustrating feeling
In the world


I just want to hear your voice
You laugh
See you smile
Make weird faces
And know that you're happy
Even if that happy is a memory blurred with tears or if it's without me


People piss me off
Like yes I look mean
I act standoffish
And all that introvert stuff
But do you really think I can't see you cheating off of me?
Get pissed when you shove passed me?
Hell even if you look at me weird

Just mind your own god damn business
Cause unlike most introverts
I'm not scared to snap and push or shove back
I don't give a fuck if you hate me
Next time just don't bring me into your bullshit



I love u
Do u love me?

Are u sick of me yet?
Do I bug u?

Can you text first?
I can't help but think u don't want to talk to me when u don't


Please let me know
That u care
If u love me like I love u


I really want to play a duet together
After all
Two cellos are better than one


You reading this
Yes you

You're amazing
You're smart
You're beautiful
You're handsome
You're perfect
You can do this
You can make it
Don't give up on yourself

I believe you can do it
I believe in you
If you ever need a stranger to talk to
Or just a random friend for a nice chat
I got your back


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