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You see I knew those people were bad
I knew when you start to juul
They were bad

Now 7 cigarettes?
You're not even close to being

Try not to get mad at you?

How the fuck can I not
You smoked SEVEN
and you don't think I'll be mad?

I'm really mad

How could you?

You act like it's fine
You won't do it again and some shit
But how the fuck would I know that?
I don't care if it was once or twice
It's terrible

You're not "cool"
By doing this
Even if you're not trying to be cool
It's still not fucking okay

Why can't you take what I say to you seriously?
It's like you brush it off and I'm being too
I fucking care about you
That's why I act like this
I act like that because you don't

I mean every god damn word I say
So don't fucking brush it off
And get annoyed with me
I'm not a bitch you can pay attention to just when you want to

I love you
You're my best fucking friend
So I'm not going to sit back
And watch this stupid shit

Why the fuck did you start?
Why the fuck did you let other people influence you?
Why the fuck would you?

I want to scream at you
I want to go crazy
Why would you do any of this?

I don't want to make you feel bad either but
This is just too fucking far

Stop whatever the fuck you're doing
I don't want this to be you

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