My Day

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My day went great
Was happy for a bit
Was exited for a bit

Last period rolls around
So exited to hang out
Then my ex gets brought up
How we broke up get brought up
And he is in the same class


I still like him mind you
And he goes up to me and says something
I don't hear it

Come to find out apparently
He said something about it being my fault why we broke up

Do I believe it?
I don't want to
Should I believe it?
But will I believe it?
Of course not

Cause somewhere inside of me
Still believes he is a good person
He is the same person I dated
Somewhere inside of me is hoping
Begging and pleading for him to come back

Goddamnit I hate life
I hate people
And I hate myself

I apologize to anyone that read this
This whole part is a piece of shit
But then again so am I

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