I messed up

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I'm not a mean person but I'm not a nice one either.
I don't know how to express that I like someone
So I naturally go for meaningless insults.

I call smart people dumb because I'm jealous
A lot

And I found out today how bad that really is
One of my friends stopped talking to me
Because of my insults
I apologized of course but how could I?

It's like I get too comfortable and then I forget everyone else has feelings too

I became the one thing I never wanted to be
I did something that I never wanted to
And this time there is no denying it
It is my fault

I always find a way to do these things
I try to be really nice and I try to joke around
Those two don't match for me

I don't mean the insults
I hope people get that
Because I always say so in a joking manner
But that doesn't excuse it

This is just me trying to confess that
I messed up.

I messed up really bad.

And you know it's bad when I don't cuss
When I don't cry I just idle
What in the world did I do

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