The Beast of Beacon Hills

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Corey and Mason are asleep in each other's arms in the tunnels beneath Beacon Hills. Mason shakes awake. Corey explains that he brought him underground because Scott can't track his scent down there. Mason doesn't want to accept that he's the Beast but Corey says he felt something after they turned invisible on the bus. It was Mason who figured out that transmissions and frequencies played a role in the Beast's manifestations. He then forces Mason to recall where he was during each of the Beast's appearances. Mason doesn't remember.

Mason realizes that the Dread Doctors can still track his unique frequency. They do, appearing in the tunnels and giving chase. The boys escape to the rain-soaked street above, where they are once again surrounded by the Dreads. Corey turns Mason invisible but the Surgeon strikes out with his cane and knocks him unconscious. The doctors take Mason.


Theo, Tracy and Deucalion discuss the Dread Doctor mask stolen from Valack's operating room . They want Josh to put it on since his powers are electrically-based and the properties of the mask are based in electromagnetism. Deucalion says the mask was originally manufactured by The Surgeon using "practices at the farthest edges of pseudoscience." The process harnessed electromagnetic fields in the masks "infusing them with a unique and deadly power."

Josh refuses to put it on.


Parrish is heading out of town. Lydia and the Sheriff want to stop him. The Sheriff reports that Parrish was spotted near the highway. Stilinski deployed a spike stripe. Parrish drives over it and it shreds his tires. The Sheriff is waiting nearby. Lydia arrives moments later. They both try to get Parrish to stay but he is adamant that, if he does, a lot of people are going to die. Lydia points out that her visions of death don't always come true. The Sheriff adds that him leaving might be the cause of the deaths he's been seeing, because he wasn't around to protect them.


Scott is still recovering from his run in with the Beast. Kira helps him to bed where he sees his application for a scholarship. He failed to send it in before the deadline. Kira says they'll figure it out but first he must heal. Stiles enters. Kira nods. Stiles closes the door.

In the hallway of the McCall, Malia and Braeden inform Stiles that the Desert Wolf may want to kill him too. He asks for a gun and makes his case that he should have one. Braeden removes the clip from her pistol and tosses it to Stiles. He bumbles it and drops it to the floor. He decides he shouldn't have a gun.


Liam and Liz are looking for Mason in the woods. They find Hayden instead and they set out together to find their friend.


Scott wakes up the following morning fully healed. Kira, Malia, Liam, Cheryl, Reed, Liz, Lydia and Stiles are in the kitchen discussing the search for Mason. The sheriff has issued an All-Points Bulletin (APB) for Mason. Liam still thinks his friend might not be the Beast. Hayden is at school looking for him. Malia volunteers to search the woods while Scott joins the conversation and says his mom can check all the hospitals in the county. Scott says they will find him and figure out a way to save him.

Lydia wants to know where else they can look. Scott says they should ask Corey and, reaching behind him, yanks the invisible boy forward. Corey becomes visible and explains that the Dread Doctors have Mason.

"Wait! WAIT! It's not my fault! They took him, and I couldn't do anything. They took him!" Corey explains. 

"Who?" Scott asks.

"The Dread Doctors." Corey answers.

"Well, that complicates things" Selene says as she walks into the house with Brett.

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