Part 6

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Jimin ended up staying over at Jungkooks house for the night.
They had a lot of fun, talking, watching movies and just enjoying eachothers company.

It was the next day and Jimin had to leave early due to having an early dance class, which left Jungkook alone at his house.

He couldn't help but worry about the fact that Taehyung hasn't left him any type of call or message since yesterday morning. Jungkook tried not to think much about it so he made a decision to distract himself.

Jungkooks pov

I decided to take a warm bath. It was only 9 am in the morning which gave me a lot of time.
I filled up my bath an put my pink unicorn bath bomb inside.
It smelled amazing, just like cotton candy a d strawberries.

While i was bathing i couldn't help myself but to think about Taehyung.
He is so attractive its almost unreal.
I was starting to feel a bit hot and naughty i may say so i decided to finnish my bath and go make some breakfast.

Just as i was starting to make pancakes my doorbell rang.
"just a minute" i yelled as i turned off my stove and ran towards the door.

"hi bunny i'm sorry to just show up without telling you."
It was Taehyung.
I had to stop myself from hugging him and just said "hey what are you doing here?"

Th:"well I missed you bun, i didn't talk to you for a whole day."
He smirked at me and i couldn't help but blush.

I let him into my house. "i was just about to make pancakes, do you want to help?" i said.
"mm sure" he replyed and we went to the kitchen.

Half an hour later
Cooking with Taehyung was sooo muchh funnn..
It feels like i've known him for years.
I feel comfortable with him. I don't have to pretend to be someone else.
And it turns out that Tae is actually an amazing cook.

He ended up making the pancakes i was just his asisstant. I learned that he can be quite bossy.

The boys finnished eating their breakfast and went to the living room to rest since they were full.
"do you want to watch something?" jungkook asked the older.
"can i pick a movie this time?" i immediately knew he was going to choose a horror movie or something like that but i agreed anyways.
He picked a movie called IT, about a scary clown and some kids.

Jungkook was shaking the whole time during the movie.
"come here bunny" Taehyung suddenly said.
Jungkook almost ran to him and cuddled up to him tightly.
Taehyung was taken aback by the youngers actions but immediately cuddled him back.

Taehyungs pov
Jungkook was leaning on to my shoulder and hugging my stomach.
He was adorable.
I love the way he smells.
Like fresh strawberries but with a hint of sweetnes like cotton candy.

I didn't pay any attention to the movie anymore. All i could focus on was jungkook. I thought of ways to get his attention..
I turned the tv off and he looked at me confused.
"come here bunny" i signaled him to sit on my lap.
He hesitated for a bit but then sat on me.
I put my hands around his waist and he slowly but his on my shoulders.
He was red like a tomato at this point and it was the cutest thing ever.

"are you tired now bunny" i said and Jungkook slowly nooded.
I got up with him in my arms and he quickly wrapped his legs around my waist.

I started walking towards his bedroom and when we entered i layed him on the bed and then hovered over him looking deep into his eyes.
It felt like a deja vu from that time he spent at my house, when i almost kissed him.

He was looking at me with his innocent eyes and a confused look on his face.
I started to back away slowly since i felt like i was making him uncomfortable but then he grabbed my shoulders again.
"don't back away Taetae" he said in his soft and beautiful voice.
I was suprised to hear that but that few words were enough for me to do my next step.

I leaned closer and closer and finally.... I smashed my lips on his.

It was slow and romantic. It seemed like Jungkook was craving my touches. His lips were softer than imagined and he tasted so sweet. I wanted more but i wanted to take things slow with him.

We kissed for a few second and then i pulled away.
A string of saliva was connecting our lips and i looked into his eyes again.

Jungkook simply smiled at me. We were both in loss for words.
I smiled back, got next to him on the bed and we snuggled up to eachother.

Jungkooks pov
My heart was beating so fast.
That was our moment and it was perfect, my first kiss was perfect.
I was so happy at that moment.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.
I've never experienced that before.

I layed my head on his cheast and slowly my eyes started to get heavy.

I fell asleep in Taehyungs arms not wanting to ever let go.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I will try making another part as soon as i can.
I was thinking of waiting a bit longer for their first kiss to happen but what the heck life is too short to wait.
So i hope you liked it :) 💜

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