Part 19

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"Taetaeeee!! When are you going to tell me where are we goinggg" Jungkook said while pouting.
Taehyung only laughed at him and ruffled his hair.

"we are going to my office baby. I need to take care of something first and then I will take you somewhere."

Just as Taehyung finnished talking they stopped infront of a huge building. 'Kim corporations' was written in big gold letters above the entrance. Taehyung parked his car and got out to open the door for Jungkook.

The younger just stood there shocked. He couldn't process that he is going into Taehyungs work. He felt kinda nervous but also excited about it.

Taehyung held Jungkooks hand and led him inside. Every step they took there was another person who greeted Tae and it made Jungook a bit shy. Every worker there looked so fancy. They soon reached a beautiful marbel corridor which led to Taehyungs office.

"sit here bunny I will just be 15 minutes" Taehyung said as he showed Jungkook a big comfy chair in his office. Jungkook of course obeyed and sat down. The older went to his desk and took something out from one of his drawers and left the room. Jungkook sat there, already bored and also excited for what they're going to do after that. 

He got up from the chair and just wandered a bit arount the big room. Everything looked so neat and organised. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a beautiful young lady entered the room. She looked very similar to Jungkook but he couldn't really figure out where he had seen her before. "Oh hello, sorry I thought mr. Kim was going to be in here" she said. The girl sounded very polite and she looked around the same age as Jungkook. 

"Oh no, that's okay, Taehyung just went out a few minutes ago but he will be back soon." Jungkook replied. "what do you need him for though, if you don't mind me asking" He said curiously.

"I wanted to talk to him about some business we have between out families" the girl smiled while responding. "ah okay, well my name is Jeon Jungkook, what is yours?"

"i am Jennie, Jennie Kim" she said smiling again. Jungkook needed a few minutes then it hit him who the girl actually was. She is Taehyungs old friend and also the girl who is supposed to marry his Taetae. Jungkook had completely forgotten about that whole marriage situation.  Taehyung hasn't even told him if he called it off yet or not.

Jungkook started to feel very awkward but curiosity got the best of him. "so you are Taehyungs friend" he asked awkwardly. Jennie smiled and nooded "yes we have been friends forever, although soon we might be something much more." as she said that you could see the blush hit her cheeks. Jungkook felt angry, jealous and also disapointed. Not only is the girl actually in love with Taehyung but at the same time she is very sweet and Taehyung is still leading her and his parents on. He didn't know if he should be sorry for her or feel threatened by her..

"What relation do you have to mr. Kim, I am guessing you're close since?" Jungkook was became nervous, he had no idea what to say.. He can't just tell her that Tae and him are dating.

"Uh I am umm.. I know T-tae.. W-we are-"

" Jennie what are you doing here? "
Taehyung suddenly came back and pretty much saved Jungkook from embarassment.
Jungkook decided to remain quiet and just sit back in the chair.

"Taehyungie I just came to tell you that my mom is inviting you to dinner with us in the evening." Jennie replyed, oblivious to how awkward the situation was for the boys.

"dinner? What's the occasion?" the older replyed while eyeing the Jungkook.

"Does it have to be a special occasion for you to dine with us mr. Kim? I haven't seen you in yearssss we have to catch up and my family wants to get to know you better" Jennie approached Tae while saying that and held his hand in her smaller one.

To say Jungkook was jealous was an understatement. He felt like a third wheel, to his own boyfriend?!
Jungkooks mind was going crazy and he couldn't help but think about the fact that Jennie might really be the perfect girl for Tae. She is gorgeous, polite, sweet, comes from a similar family as Taes and they also have a good past..

He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot to listen to the conversation Jennie and Tae were having.

"so I'll see you at 7pm hh, bye Jungkook, it was nice meeting you" that was the last thing she said before happily walking out of the office.

'wait what? Tell me that Taehyung didn't just agree to go to dinner with her and her family?!' Jungkook thought to himself..

Taehyung saw the sad look on the youngers face.. "listen bunny, I didn't plan this okay? Did Jennie say something to you? Was she mean in any way?" he asked while crutching down infront of the younger.

"no she was very nice... Are you really going out to dinner with her Tae?" He looked straight into his eyes and Tae could see the sadness and disapointment in them.

"baby don't worry okay? I told you that me and Jennie are friends, nothing more than that." he said while caresing the youngers cheek.

"bbut you promised me Tae.. You said you will spend the day with me and that you will take me somewhere..." Jungkooks eyes started to get watery and Taehyung felt bad when he realised what he did. "i am sorry Bunny.. If you want me to, I will reschedule okay?"

"no.. It's okay, could you please take me to Jimins house though?"
Taehyung nooded and hugged the younger.

With that they walked hand in hand out of the building and straight into Taehyungs car. They didn't speak. Taehyung however stole a few glances of Jungkook but his reaction made him feel even worse.

'Did I make a mistake again?' He thought to himself and drove off.

Hii I finally updated although it took a bit longer that usually😅😅

I hope everyone is doing okay ❤️

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