Part 11

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Taehyungs pov
I woke up by the sound of little snores comming from my bunny. I looked at his beautiful face and admired his features for a while. I remembered what we did last night and it made me happy. Jungkook is absolutely perfect and I am really lucky.

I remembered what he said to me before he fell asleep. Those 3 words that mean everything to some people. He said he loved me and i love him too, I really do. I will make sure he knows how much I apreciate him.

I decided to get out of bed carefully and make some breakfast. I slowly removed myself from the bed not to wake up my baby bunny and headed towards the kitchen.
Just as I was about to open the fridge I got a call from my office saying they need me there and It's urgent...

I didn't want to go. I know that last night meant a lot to Jungkookie, afterall it was his first time so I can't just leave him alone the morning after..
I realized I had no choice I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Before I left I kissed my babys forehead and fixed myself in the mirror one last time. Then I left.

Jungkooks pov
I woke up around 10 am to an empty bed. "Taehyungie?" I called out and got no reply. I decided to look around for him, maybe he didn't hear me.
"owiee" when i moved i felt a sudden pain in my lower back. Thoughts about last night came to my mind and i couldn't help but blush and smile thinking about it, it was perfect.

I managed to roll out of my bed and head to the kitchen since I was starving. No Taehyung in the kitchen.
Did he leave?? I though to myself.

No! He wouldn't just leave me the morning after such a special night, he wouldn't do that right?

I got sad. I didn't want it to be true but  it was. Taehyung wasn't in my house, he left me alone.
I began to panick that maybe he didn't enjoy last night and that be regrets everything he had with me.

"no Jungkook, you are just being stupid and paranoid as usual. Tae wouldn't do that. If he left I am sure it was something important."

I gave myself a comforting speach which suprisingly helped a bit.
I made myself a banana smoothie and drank it while scrolling thought the programs on my TV. I managed to fall asleep after I finnished eating, with the TV still on.

After 2 hours I woke up. The weather was stunning today. I thought i could at least do something usefull so I just decided to go for a walk to the park.

I put on a hoodie and some pants. Then I put on some earings to make it more fancy and headed out after showering of course.

 Then I put on some earings to make it more fancy and headed out after showering of course

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I was walking towards the park. The wind was blowing lightly and the sun was keeping me warm, even the temperature was perfect.

As I was walking town the road I suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting in a nearby caffe. I decided to snoop.

As always my eyes proved me right. The person was no other than Taehyung and he was drinking coffe with a random girl I've never seen before. They seemed to enjoy eachothers company and I didn't like it at all. I was becoming angry and more so upset. He left me to go drink coffe with someone else?! That's unaceptable..

They stood up and it looked like they were saying goodbye. Then all of a sudden the girl kissed his cheek and walked away. Taehyung smiled after her then headed the other way.

I stood there in shock.
I didn't even know how to react.
I turned around and started running towards my house while tears streamed down my face.
It hurt, it hurt a lot.
I finally gave myself fully to someone and now I see it was the biggest mistake.

I shut myself in my room and cried uncontrollably. I had noone to turn to. I was all alone and heartbroken.

Taehyungs pov
As soon as i arrived to my office I saw my parents. I immediately knew something was up. "hello mom and dad. To what do I own this pleasure?"
I said sarcastically.
"good morning Taehyung" my mom said while hugging me.
"listen son, we want you to befriend one of our oponents doughter. Luckily for you, we found out she went to high school with you and you might know her. Look you know we don't really support arranged marriages and all of those stuff, but this might just be the key to us becomming even bigger. "

I knew that I won't like whatever they had to tell me and I was right."what?? Are you asking me to marry someone just so you'll look better dad??" i was furious. My parents had always been against arranged marriages but now when its for their own good its suddenly okay.

Just as he was about to reply I heared a familiar voice call my name. I turned around and I was correct. It was Jennie. My high school friend or should I say we were a bit more than friends. I had the biggest crush on her back then and we dated for a while but it didn't really work out. We ended on good terms.

"you meant Jennie?" i said while looking at my father and he just nooded. Jennie hugged me and I hugged back. I was happy seeing her again actually, it's been a long time.

"I am so happy to see you again Taetae. Come on let's go grab a coffe and catch up a bit" she said.
I nooded and let her lead the way.

We went to this nearby caffe and ordered some coffe.
"woah how have you been Jennie? Sorry I just wasn't expecting you at all haha."
We talked for almost an hour just catching up. She told me she was suprised about the whole arranged marriage thing and we both agreed about that.
I was so focused on talking with her that i totally forgot to call my bunny to tell him why I left.. I'll just call him later and explain everything.

After our talk, we said our goodbyes and Jennie kissed my cheek. It felt wrong. But I didn't really mind it. I smiled at her and left.


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