Best Friend Shenanigans

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The smell of coffee woke me up, but I couldn't place the other smell. Struggling to grasp my surroundings at first, I stood up and stretched, realizing what people meant when they talked about jet lag. Scott's apartment was bright in the morning, very cheerful even. I wandered down the short hall towards the delicious aroma that I was now craving.

"Morning sleepy head!  How'd you sleep sweetie?"  Scott was as illuminated as his apartment was in the morning. It was almost sickening because I needed a while in the mornings to get myself together.

"Morning. That coffee smells amazing."

He was already moving up and pouring me a great big cup. "Here you go punkin', just like you always drink it!" Scott was definitely my BFF soulmate!

"Thank you Friendly! I think I left my phone in here last night and forgot to plug it in.  Have you seen it?"

"You did, but I saw it before I went to bed and being the diamond in the rough that I am, grabbed it and plugged it in with my charger."  Pointedly, he cleared  his throat to make a point before finishing his thought out loud.  "You have a few texts waiting by the way."

My blank expression must have worried him because he laughed at me before clarifying himself.  "I didn't read them Trouble! Your volume was up and it kept blinking, my brother should remember that you are on my time right now. He woke me up."

"Sorry, I know you wouldn't do that but I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone over night."

"It's all good.  The first one popped up on your lock screen, they were from Chris, so I didn't want you to think I was snooping."

"You?  Snooping?"

Scott gasped at me in disbelief, wondering, I guess, if I really thought that of him.

I continued my chattering to put him at ease.  "I'M KIDDING SCOTTY!  Geez!  Seriously though, don't you think if there was something to know on either of our ends, which there isn't, that you would be the first to know?"

Scott took a sip of his coffee before simply answering with a, "Nope".

With one eyebrow raised, I frowned at him. "Are you for real? First, let me articulate, yet again, that there is nothing to say anyway. Second of all, between the two of us, one of us would definitely spill to you, of all people.  I thought Chris told you everything and vice versa since the two of you seem to have always been so close."

Scott sounded more like Rafiki from the Lion King when he spoke his next choice of words.  "I cannot confirm nor deny that information."

"Well, anyway...". I didn't know what else to say, assuming that actually meant the answer was yes, that they share everything. He was acting weird about the relationship Chris and I had formed with all the questioning he had done lately.

"Thought you didn't want to talk about this because there was nothing to say."

"I don't and there isn't. Ok, Scotty, your confusing me. I don't even know what we're talking about at this point.  You're making me second guess every single thing I am saying now. It's starting to make my brain hurt because I feel like I'm saying one thing but you're hearing it in a completely different language than I'm actually using."

He laughed at me before hugging me. "I made some cinnamon rolls, grab whatever you want to eat, mi casa es su casa, and get ready so we can go find something to do. I'm gonna get in the shower. Get moving lady, I wanna show you around!"

Smiling, I nodded as I had a mouthful of cinnamon roll in my mouth. Scott was off to his room and bathroom so I checked my phone. I had texted everyone back home to let them know I arrived safely last night so I knew they hadn't texted me. Yup, all the messages were from Chris.

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