Well, That Didnt Take Long!

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"Stop, just...stop."

"No I'm not gonna stop!  I have had to listen to him whine that he just felt like you were the one, the girl that would turn his life into something else altogether. Then I had to endure you saying you would never let anything more than a friendship happen, knowing the two of you are perfect for each other and that it was inevitable. Do you know how long Chris has known he felt like this about you? Did he even tell you that part?"

There was so much I was feeling right now, there was just no way to even articulate it all. Honestly that kiss had made me forget some of what we had even said to each other. Rendering me to only think about how good it felt to be in his arms, against the wall ...with his lips attached to mine. Poor Scott had been watching this whole thing play out and was kind of stuck on the sidelines as a referee with no power. Slightly shaking my head to tell Scott I didn't know, he continued.

"I shouldn't be telling you this but you need to realize the severity of it. Maybe if you do know, it may show you that it's okay... it's okay to let all your guards down. I knew early on, like, really early on. I could see it, there was some magical voodoo aura that hung over you two that first night we met you. Then it blossomed from there and sweetie, I've seen Chris with girlfriends and ones he thought he loved and might marry. This though, it's been different. I've never seen him so cautious, like you are a china doll that he doesn't want to break, but instead he wants to protect you with every ounce of his being. He has sacrificed telling you how he feels because that's how he thought he was protecting you. The night he showed up and the two of you had the blow up, he was so distraught afterwards.  It tore him up that the two of you had argued the way you had.  I still think it was from bottling everything up for a while, like a bottle of soda being shaken.  Then, somebody took the top off and everything came spewing out!  Before he left, we talked while you were asleep. We talked for a good while because he realized then that he couldn't fight his feelings much longer. That's when I told him how I felt about it. It was that night, Chris realized he was going to step back only enough for you to be comfortable but he wasn't looking for anybody else. He was going to wait until you had healed, but he was going to do whatever it took to show you how he felt eventually. That kiss to your forehead before he left was his seal to that oath even though you didn't know about it because you were asleep."

My face had been down, eyes watching my fingers pretend to pick at the cuticles around my nails. Anywhere but back up to Scott until I could try to control myself. It began to become apparent that I may not be able to. Looking back up finally, into his determined eyes, I saw his expression soften as he saw I had tears dripping slowly down my face.

"That kiss..."

"Was so, so, so way overdue that it is probably a good thing that we had to be at the airport because I don't think either of you would have been able to stop yourselves had we not."

Feeling my face immediately flush at his words, I grinned. He shook his head, "I don't wanna know what thought just made you smile like that."

"We are taking this so slow a girl and boy turtle may beat us!"

"What does that even mean Trouble?"

"It means that I'm not sure how good I am for a relationship just yet but I am going to do my best.  I don't want to lose the possibility of having one with him. He said he wanted me to know how he felt in case I realized I was ready to date but he was out of town. Or if a guy, I'm guessing he was thinking about Adam,  decided to ask me out for some reason and I decided it was time. Chris wanted me to know how he felt so I would know he wanted to ask me out. I told him it wasn't fair to let him wait on my time table but he said he wanted to. Especially when I'm sure there is a long line of girls just waiting for him. That's all we discussed last night. Then I had this dream about us and it shook me all up. By the time we spent the day together after snuggling in the bed sleeping, I didn't want to leave when it was time. When I asked you to meet us downstairs, it was because I wanted one of his sweatshirts but I also wanted to tell him I was ready to do this. I had to kiss him before I left. There was no way I was leaving without it. Okay? Now you know." I don't think I had ever talked so fast before.

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