My Turn...Surprise

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Chris was super upset that he wasn't going to be able to get away from filming for my birthday. Since he had the convention he was doing, his filming hours had already been planned around that. That put him into filming during some weekends as well. I made him promise not to try to do some quick trip like he did the night we blew up at each other. That trip was too much on him even though he refused to acknowledge it. We could do something when he was home next time, even though I didn't really want to acknowledge my birthdays anymore. At this point, birthdays meant I was getting older, yes it was better than the alternative though.

What we didn't know was that Scott had already planned something for my birthday and it included a surprise for Chris as well. He had everything set up to go in case my meetings that might be happening, didn't.

I was still asleep when my phone dinged at 7 a.m. Grabbing it from my nightstand along with my glasses, I saw it was from Scott. What in the actual hell did he want at 7 in the morning?


Jumping up and sprinting down the hall, I unlocked the bolt and threw the door open. Jumping up with my arms wrapping around Scott's neck, I was squealing with excitement. What I hadn't seen was the second person standing in my blind spot behind him.

"Hi mamma!"

Tears started without me even realizing it at first. My baby was here with Scott? I immediately repeated my actions from before, now grabbing my son by the shoulders and he wrapped his arms around me. "What are y'all doing here?"

Scott chimed in. "Did you really think we would all let you be alone on your birthday? Pack a carry on, we are going to see Chris."

"Uh, we're what now?"

"Come on, chop, chop Trouble! Get it together. I had a lot of work to do at the last minute since you ended up not having that meeting that was keeping you from coming this weekend." Snapping his fingers in my face as he spoke, Scott zoomed past me and to my bedroom. I looked to my son and his mouth was ajar just a little as he watched Scott bossing me around and walking around like he owned the place.

Smiling, I told him, "he's like this all. The. Time. Is that what you were wondering?"

Nodding he said, "he's been bouncing since he picked me up at the airport last night. Is Chris like him, hyper all the time too? I guess that's why you get along with them so well, they're like me."

"You've both been here since last night? That's not fair."

He smiled before being sarcastic. "Element of surprise, ...hello? We both got in really late though so we stayed at a hotel near the airport. So..... you didn't answer me, is Chris like him?"

I heard Scott rummaging through my closet and then the suitcase unzip. Heading to my room quickly, I turned to look behind me as I spoke and my kid followed behind me. "Sometimes, they can both be a pain in my ass." I was focused on trying to get to Scott so I could at least pack what I wanted and heard him scream, "I heard that!"

As I walked into my bedroom I responded to him. "Well I didn't whisper it! Y'all go sit in the living room while I do this. I mean, unless you want to pack things like my underwear for me too?"

"You know I do not care about your bra and panties, I would pack it if I had to and not blink twice girlfriend!"

"I have no doubt actually!"

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