It's Done

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When I told Chris and Scott a week in advance that I was going back home to visit, I left out the main reason why. My divorce was about to be finalized. It wasn't a big secret and I wasn't trying to keep it from them. If I knew them like I thought I did, they would want to accompany me and I didn't want them to feel like they had to. I was blessed to have an overprotective boyfriend like Chris and a best friend like Scott and I knew that. It really was a fluke. If they came with me to complete this part of my life, it could be all kinds of awkward.

I just had to get there and sign the papers, then come back and I could put that part of my life behind me. It wasn't a big deal. I had a new life starting and I was happy, more than happy actually. Problem was, I wasn't a good liar. Chris was onto me, knowing something was bothering me, and he called me out on it during our nightly call. He was settled into bed, as was I, my phone propped up beside Pocket Cap as always.

How could someone look so good all the time? I mean, just laying there, lathered in a concoction of sexiness mixed with beauty and charm with a side of seductiveness without even trying. He was the charming boy next door without even trying. Laying there, shirtless, looking like he was cut from the mold used specifically for making the perfect specimen of a man. How did I catch him? When he looked at me from under those long lashes, that blue always seemed lighter around his pupil when he was tired or worrying over something. That small ring of a bluish green still hanging around the inner circle of his iris, sided up to the pupil. His sincerity made it so hard to keep things from him, this case in point. As I settled down into my pillow deeper, he pressed the subject we had been discussing since I told him I was going back home for a quick visit.

"You gonna tell me what's botherin' you?"

"Nothing's bothering me, I'm just tired."

"Com'mon Feisty, I know somethin's botherin' you."

"Chris stop using your sexy accent to get your way." I tried to smile but I'm not sure how it came across to him.

"Com'mon, please tell me what's wrong. I've noticed something for a few days now, are you nervous about going home for some reason?"

"I'm not nervous. OK, look......" I sat up in my bed, against the headboard, picking up my phone to tell Chris what was going on. I wasn't nervous about going home, I wanted this over. What I didn't want to do was see my almost ex-husband and had worked myself up about it this week. "I AM going home,'s not just for a quick visit. I'm also going to sign the divorce papers. I will be officially divorced when I see you face to face again."

"Sweetheart, .......why didn't you tell me? This is huge, I'm supposed to be there for you during things like this. I want to be. You don't have to do this alone, it's part of your past and who you are, it doesn't bother me."

"There's no reason. It's not a secret, and I am definitely fine with it. I'm just so over the whole situation and ready to be done with it I guess, so... I just don't wanna talk about it really. It will be done and over and I'm ready for this. I'm ready for,...what do people call it, know, when a person starts over? OH, yeah, the second act."

"You're still not telling me something though. Feisty, I know you. Something else is bothering you."

I laid back down and placed my phone back beside Pocket Cap. Snuggling back into my covers I looked back up to my phone. "Chris. Can we just drop it? Please? I'm fine, really."

"We can, but I would rather you talk to me when there is somethin' botherin' you. I wanna be here for you whenever you need me. We can drop it, but I want you to know, it doesn't bother me if you need to talk about him. Please don't shut me out."

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