36. Six year old Human Otiz

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Boy it was just annoying to think that your once familiar was now a small child of six years old! How in Merlin did that happen in the first place all Harry and Severus knew was one minute Harry was upset because if what happened with the Dursley's at the zoo.

Then coming home and crying, being comforted by Severus and then a flash of magic and now his once hybrid animal familiar as now a young boy!!

Yes he was cute but he was into everything! EVERYTHING!

He had pulled all the kitchen drawers out, tipped the chairs, pulled Harry's favourite blanket off the back of the sofa along with the cushions, running and jumping around! It was like he was on a complete sugar rush!

How in Merlin's name did they stop him!

Severus was sitting in his chair, nursing a fire whiskey and trying not to snap at the little boy making a complete mess of his once clean house. Everything and I mean everything had been pulled out examined and then thrown as far as the little could throw.

Harry was in complete shock! How did it happen?

Severus had had enough and when Otiz came running back into the living room he managed to grab the child and place him on his lap, bright big emerald green eyes looked back up at him.

"Hi Tev!" smiled the boy and then hugged him tightly.

"Otiz you know that it's bad to destroy the house right?" asked Severus to the small boy, placing him on his feet and standing up as they walked out of the room.

"Wes" and he hung his head

"What do we do when we make a mess then?"

"We cwean, Tev sorry."

"Good that you know, come on let's gets cleaning while Hadrian rests ok, you gave him quite the shock transforming into a human."

"Me always can!" cheered the little boy, making the man stop down the hall shocked, why hadn't he transformed before?

"Me Kitsune!" was all he got as a response.

"Ok then my little fox how about you start cleaning and then we will have dinner?" this made the small boy pout but he knew that he had made the mess so he had to clean it, while he did that Severus went and checked on Harry.

Harry was on the sofa starting into the unlit fire place, black specked emerald green eyes unfocused.

"Hadrian are you ok?"

"Huh?!" said Harry as he looked towards his father, still slightly shocked.

"I asked if you were ok son" replied Severus as he sat back down.

"Yea, I'm good just shocked that Otiz is now human... but what else is strange, magic is real why not this!"

Severus just laughed at him.

"Everything is what Lady Magic has decided son, nothing more nothing less".

He was going to carry in but he was jumped on by Otiz.

"Tev, Tev finished!!" laughed the little boy only to have Severus hug him slightly.

"Well done Otiz why don't you sit with Hadrian while I go check everything" and he placed the boy on top his son's lap.

"Hi Hadwin, me cweaned-ed for Tev!" smiled Otiz to Harry who ruffled his hair.

"Well done Otiz but I want to ask you a question is that ok with you?"

Otiz only nodded and hugged Mooney to him and snuggled into the boy more.

"Kay, me answer"

"Ok then what I want to know is why are you human now? You never have been before so why now?"

"Me always can, just no wanna. Wanna stay with you, no weaving behind gain, I lonely" was all he said before he started to drift off to sleep.

Harry chuckled at this but made no move to wake up the small boy.

His father came back in and announced that dinner was ready, Harry slowly got up and placed Otiz on the sofa and placed his blanket over him, and ruffled his hair again and then went into the kitchen to have his dinner, Otiz slept the whole way through.


Otiz woke up not knowing where he was and so he panicked and started crying, completely forgetting that he could very easily sense Harry as well as sniff him out.

Both Harry and Severus came running into the room wondering what was happening and when they saw the poor boy crying his heart out they sighed.

It seemed that Otiz completely and utterly panicked, forgetting that he was a familiar.

"Hey, hey buddy it's ok, I'm here now don't worry I'm here now" said Harry picking the boy up who was now in complete koala mode and wouldn't be letting go any time soon.

It was morning afterall.

"Do you want to tell me what that was all about Otiz?" asked Harry but the boy only sniffled into him more, Severus left the room only to come back with a sippy cup with blood in it for the boy.

"Have a drink little one and you'll feel better. You missed out on dinner last night, you slept right through it" and he handed over the cup to the little boy, who was still snifflering.

"Sowwy" and he too a big sip from the cup making a little bit dribble down his chin, which was wiped away by Harry right away and placed his blood stained finger into the little boys mouth.

"It's ok Otiz we were worried about you but we can see that your fine now" said Harry making his finger make a pop as he took it out of the mouth and tapped him on the nose making him giggle.

"Love Hadwin!"

"I love you too Otiz, we both do".


I know it's short but I've ended up being ill, after the last chapter so.... I'll be taking some time off to recover, should only be about a week.

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