62. Transformations?!

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@IsidoraCox they asked about this so this chapter is dedicated to them and thank you for reminding me that I hadn't mentioned it before. I would also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, lets all hope that its better than last year, here's hoping people.


Harry was sitting at the Slytherin table with his friends and one highly amused human Otiz, he had been playing and had pranked the twins, they now sported Slytherin green hair and a match of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff robes, no where was there Gryffindor, everyone knew it was him but said nothing as they were all laughing including Percy.

Hermione wasn't happy about it and stood up and started complaining about how they should follow school rules.

"Wasn't us..."

"...we had nothing..."

"...to do..."

"...with this" the twins finished as they piled on some more eggs to their plate, making her huff in annoyance at them, they got away with way to much as it was.

"Just wait until I tell the headmaster about this you two will be sorry, if not I'll tell your mother" she said as she got up and walked out of the hall.

Everyone in the hall looked as she left not saying a thing, it was a completely harmless prank s no one would really get told off, Otiz on the other hand fell off his seat laughing everyone ignored him and carried on eating.

"Hadrian come on you have to eat something" said Draco for the fifth time since they had sat down but he was just pushing his food around the late that Draco had filled for him with his favourite breakfast foods including pumpkin juice that he had only a sip of.

"Dray I'm just not hungry that's all" said Harry to him as he got up and started to leave, making Otiz follow him.

Severus and Tom looked at each other knowing something was up with the boy and they knew he would come to them, mostly Severus if anything was truly the matter.

"Pomona can you keep an eye on Hadrian for me please, I know he has a double with you next" asked Severus to the woman further down the table who nodded and smiled at him.

"I'll make sure Severus don't worry so much, he might just be coming down with something, but I will keep an eye on him".


In the greenhouse they were working on the Valerian plant and what it could be used for most of the students made an 'yum' when they learned it could be used for Treacle Fudge but not Harry, they all knew he loved treacle tart but the mention of the fudge made him feel really sick to his stomach.

"Mr. Snape, are you feeling quite alright? you have gone awfully pale" said Pomona to him not seconds later he had passed out, Otiz grabbing him before he fell completely to the ground.

Everyone cried his name as he fell.

"Mr. Malfoy, Otiz take Mr. Snape to the infirmary right away" said Pomona as she cast a Patronus to Severus to tell him what had happened.

On the way there Harry started to heat up, hotter and hotter and then he just bursts into flames, Otiz did the only thing he could think off really, he dropped Harry onto the floor.

Once the flames had died down there now stood a very colourful phoenix who trilled up at them, making Otiz sigh as he picked him up in both hands.

"Oh for crying out loud I didn't mean to drop you Hads really I didn't" said Otiz to the phoenix in his hands which looked to be pouting if a phoenix could pout that is.

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