Chapter 3

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It was the second week of the holidays, mom has been taking some days off, Paul has been visiting and really helpful in teaching me how to drive because mom promised me a car if I learned how to drive.
Paul has stopped sneaking in like how he used to, it was nice having him around. He is a cool guy, very handsome too. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, real nice physique, he also is tall, and he drives a Black BMW 430i . I'm not sure about his age but he looked like he was in his mid 40s. I swear my mom has got taste, because this guy is her type and a hot looking 40 year old man.

I Facetimed my friends, we would catch up almost everyday, Izzy and Nate had a crush on each other but they thought T and I didn’t know. So we were having a joined Facetime session when T suddenly said “Hey Nikki let’s leave the Japanese and Australian to catch up, clearly they need some privacy.” We all laughed at T's remark. I guess there was no need to hide it any further because we were totally okay with it, just hoping relationship drama doesn’t cause tension to our friendship of course. So I updated them about mom’s new boyfriend Paul, they all wanted to me to send a picture of him which I didn't have. Before ending the call I remembered an important update that I forgot to share.

“Guys Paul has a son, he’s doing he's 4th year in Medicine and will be attending at NYU, so in case he needs friends, can we accommodate him and Nate don’t worry he won’t take Izzy away from you.” I added, laughing.
“Seriously Nikki! Now T has finally got something to laugh about.” Nate added.
“Don’t worry Nikki, I have eyes for one man.” Izzy chimed in laughing.

We hung up. I was really missing them. I decided to watch a movie on Netflix because mom was at work so I was left  alone in the house. Paul spent almost every day here with us, which I didn’t mind. Right when I was about to get up and get some snacks from the kitchen downstairs my phone rang.

I picked up without saying a word because I didn't know the number calling.  “Hello is this Nicole Knight?” the person on the phone had a rather deep but charming voice.
“Yes who am I speaking to?” I asked.
“It’s William Michaelson, I’m trying to get a hold of my father but he is not answering his phone, I tried calling Lily sorry I mean Miss Knight but she’s not answering either.”
“I got your number from my father in case I couldn’t get a hold of him or Ms Knight.” He added
“Err um… Okay, well I think that they are at work because they have been gone for some time now, but they did mention that they might be having a busy shift today.” I said, honestly I was a little smitten by the voice I heard over the phone.

He remained silent for a while, with a concerning tone he asked “Okay thing is I’m at the airport and I needed the address for Ms Knight’s home, which I assume is your home.”
“Okay sure, I could pick you up if you don’t mind.” I said, I was so nervous, and a little excited at the same time.

Wait? Did I just offer to pick him up, I’m not even good at driving, oh no! Let me go check mom’s car keys.

“Thank you but I am driving, that is why I need your location so that I can wait for my father there.” He said.
“Alright, let me text it to you.” I said, feeling a little embarrassed.
After 45 minutes I heard a car coming in the drive way and heard the car engine going off, it was then I heard a knock on the door. I stood up from the couch, still in my maroon silk shorts and vest pyjamas. It was a lazy Sunday and I planned on relaxing the entire day, watch Netflix and eat all the junk food in the house. I heard a gentle knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened...

“Err...Hi… can I help you?” I asked completely frozen on the spot.

“I believe we haven’t officially met Nicole, I’m William but you can call me Will.” He said with a genuine smile but for some reason his eyes were shifted from my face to my vest…oh no it wasn’t the vest. My nipples were poking out the silk.
I swear Izzy and her pyjama fashion, she bought them for me.

“Uhm... come in William sorry I mean Will.” I was mesmerized that’s all I can say, my body felt different, I felt stupid.
He smiled “OHHKAY err you can move by the door so I can come in.”
“Oh yes yes sorry come in.” I said, moving aside to give him space to pass.

My mind was playing games with me, I think I just had my first arousal, no no stop it Nikki. The person in front of me was tall, he looks mixed race, you can tell that he has African DNA, he had his father’s eyes though they were blue, his jawline my word! He was wearing a white and green t-shirt, dark blue jeans and white Gucci Sneakers, his cologne filled the entire room.

The car parked outside was a white BMW M5 convertible almost looked like Paul’s car.
“Can I offer you anything to drink?” I asked setting myself free from all the sinful thoughts I had buried in my mind.
“Do you have orange juice?” He asked.
“Yes always, it’s my favourite.”

SHHH keep it together Nikki.

I poured him some juice and he went on to sit on the couch where I was seated while watching Netflix.
“Thank you Nicole.” He said, taking a sip.
“You can call me Nikki.” I said, smiling.

I asked to be excused because I needed to take a shower, a long and hot one. Just to think about what just happened.

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