Chapter 7

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Nikki POV

It felt good driving myself to campus for a change. Mom would be pestering me the whole journey. Turns out she has also been busy with the medical centre that they are building with Paul. She has been really busy but I totally understand. I also have to start doing some painting, I have so many visions in my head I have to put them into painting already before my mind totally wipes them away.

I got to campus early before Izzy, I wanted to go check out the painting studio so that I can register my name to be part of the painting group. Painting is a really big thing here, at the end of the year a Painting auction takes place. They say some good stakeholders come to attend. This was a big deal for me.

"Hello Nikki, you're early." Amber the Residence allocation officer said while smiling.
"Hi, Amber, yes I decided to come back a day early because I heard today was the last day to register our names to use the painting studio." I said.
"Oh okay, good thinking and I heard the guy that is in charge for that is really strict and doesn't give second chances. So go before it's 7 pm, he usually leaves around that time." She said.

"Thanks Amber, I owe you one." I headed straight for the Painting studio. It was opened, I went straight to the office and there was a guy sitting facing the computer. He must be the one in charge.

"Err, Hello are you the guy in charge of the painting studio?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm Kane and you are?" he turned looking at me.
"I'm Nicole Knight, and I'm here to register my name in order to be allowed to use the studio."

"Okay, here's the form fill it in and give it back to me by tomorrow." He said giving me the forms.
"But I thought today was the last day, I can fill it in and come give it to you before you leave." I said with a concerned tone.
"It's okay Nicole, you can come give it to me tomorrow in the morning, just read the instructions carefully because at the end of the year there's a big Painting auction event and there will be good investors there, so if there's any mistake then you will not get another chance to fix the error." He said smiling.

I bid farewell then left. I went back to the student's parking lot, I forgot my laptop in the car. I unlocked the car and took my laptop from the front passenger's seat.

"You shouldn't leave your laptop carelessly like that in the car, if someone saw it on the seat they could've broke the window and took it." Said a person with familiar voice behind me.

I turned and it was Will, he looks good even way better this time. He had a hair cut. He was standing next to his BMW with his arms crossed while leaning on the boot. I kept my composure.

"Hey Will, yes you're right. I'm still getting the grip of being a car owner." I said while blushing.

"Anyway how have you been, you went MIA since the last day I saw you." I said.
"I see you missed me, so why are you here early, campus only officially opens tomorrow." He asked.
"No I didn't miss you and I came early because I had to register my name for the painting studio, today was the last day and why are you here early?"
"Well I arrived yesterday, I wanted to familiarise myself with the environment."
"Makes sense. Well I gotta get going, to fill in these forms I have to submit them tomorrow. Was good seeing you again Will" I said while walking away.

A text message came through.
Will: Was good to see you too Nikki. See you around.

Me: 🙂 see you around Will.

A lot of thoughts crowded my mind, I was so nervous, I should've stayed and maybe we catch up, I should've asked him to come over and we go watch movies. I'm so bad at this, I mean why do we treat each other as strangers because we technically are family.

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