Chapter 6

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Nikki POV

Weeks went by, Will and I haven’t spoken since our last encounter. Not that we had to talk every day, I just wondered what he was up to but then I remembered that before Will went to South Africa he lived around here. So he probably had friends he needed to catch up with.

T and I spent the rest of the holidays hanging out, Nate returned 4 days ago and we have been going out like crazy. Mom didn’t mind because she was working, she also went for a baecation with Paul. I’m just glad she’s having fun and found love once again.

“So tell us about the charmer boy, wait no, I mean your soon to be step- brother.” Nate said giving me the most annoying grin ever.
“He’s not my step brother, oh no wait. So since his dad and my mom are together does that mean we'll be brother and sister?” I asked.
“Well not precisely but your parents will have kids of their own, so I guess you are family. Imagine if they have a child, and finding out the child’s siblings are dating? Woah that’s messed up.” T chimed in.
“I guess it does sounds messed up.” I admitted. I was disappointed but they had a point.  
“So are you guys ready for next week? Campus opens.” Nate asked.

We all were looking forward to going back. Well for me my holidays were not so fun because I almost spent half of the time alone, until T got less busy and Nate came back from Japan only a week before campus opens. Izzy was only returning next week.

A part of me did feel incomplete, I had this consistent feeling like I was missing something. Oh maybe a someone Nikki.
I thought a lot about Will. I don’t really know why. I couldn't talk to Izzy about my feelings for Will because I already knew how Nate and T felt about the whole thing.

Will POV
I can’t stop thinking about Nikki, I have tried all these weeks to avoid her because my dad warned me not to do anything stupid and go after her. I started stalking her on Instagram and something caught my attention.

Judging from what I see saw her pictures she has two male friends, they’re almost featured in every picture and there’s a blonde girl that is featured in her recent pictures. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that Thomas ‘T’ guy, how I know him? He was tagged in the picture. Anyway they looked really cozy in that picture and it was just the two of them, he was kissing her on the cheek and her caption was ‘Good thing we are besties 😉’. Guess they probably had a crush on each other or still do. I felt a slight feeling of jealousy when I saw the picture but then hey, good thing they are besties I guess.

It’s almost time for me to go to NYU, the next coming week campus will be open. Maybe being around girls and books will take my mind off Nikki.

“William let’s go check on the site son.” Father disturbed my deep thoughts.
We were going to check on the construction site where the medical centre was being built.
“Son are you ready for a change of environment?” dad asked attentively.
“Yes father, my lecturer Dr Chan gave me the course outline and the topics that they covered. Good thing it’s the same topics I managed to cover over the holidays.” I said.

He nodded, well it was no surprise he knew I do love studying and once I focus on books I avoid distractions.
“So how’s Lily and Nikki?” I asked not looking at him. I didn't want him to see through me.

“They are fine, Nikki is getting good at driving, maybe you guys can go together, when heading to campus.” Father said in a suggestive manner.

“I’ll be going there two days earlier father, I want to settle in and familiarise myself with the environment and also need to unpack my stuff in the house.” I said.
He didn't retaliate because he knew I needed this.

After doing a few check-ups at the construction site my father and I went back home.

Was glad the day was over, been accompanying father to the site for some time now. As soon as we arrived home I went straight to the kitchen, warmed up the home made lasagna that Glenda made then retreated to the game room. Playing 2k was going to take my mind off things.

My father and I had a good relationship. He just didn't really understand me but I didn't mind because we have spent some time apart so maybe this was also a chance for us to rekindle the 'father and son' relationship we had.

Mom is always busy and always traveling since she’s a researcher and that was fine with me because she does make time for me, but I’m old now so I understand better and we call each other almost every week.

She was living her best life with her fiance in London.

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