Chapter 10

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Izzy was busy unpacking her clothes, she had her headphones on, and she was talking over the phone with her sister. Turns out she had a bigger sister and they were pretty close. Her sister was studying in England and she is engaged. I called mom and she was good, she just missed me. I was waiting for T to come and we could talk about what he wanted us to talk about. I was really tired because of last night. I just wanted to sleep.

T called, telling me he was waiting outside my block. I was already in PJs and so I put a gown on. I walked downstairs and he was waiting for me. His back facing me with his hands in his pockets. He seemed nervous. Now I was curious about what he wanted to say.

“Hey T, you’re okay?” I asked, his mind seemed like it was elsewhere.

“Hey Nikki, do you mind if we take a walk, we won’t go far.” He said rubbing his hands, it was cold during that hour.

I wanted to ask him if maybe we could talk inside my room but I didn’t want to piut him in an awkward position. It seems like what he had to say was confidential. So I agreed and we left the residence area.

“Nikki I hope whatever I say doesn’t change our friendship and if you don’t agree I will totally understand.” He said.

“Umm okay. What’s up, are you okay T?” I was concerned his mood seemed different as compared to earlier.
“Let me just say this, Nikki I have mad feelings for you, since ever, I thought maybe I would get over you and these feelings but I just can’t, I wanted to tell you but I just didn’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you now either but I will understand if you don’t have any feelings for me and I promise to not hate you for it.” He said looking straight into my eyes.

I was speechless and I just didn’t know what to say, when we were in 7th  grade I did have a crush on him probably also because he would stand up for Nate and I since we were newbies. He was my first crush but as years passed I got over it, got over guys at large after realising how weird they are, I mean hey, I have male best friends so yeah.

“T, I don’t know what to say. I mean I did have a crush on you when we were in middle school but I got over it.” I said.

“I wish you had told me, maybe things would’ve turned out differently. So do you think you can rebuild those feelings for me again?” he asked.
“I don’t know, can you give me time to think about it. Does Nate know?” I asked.

“Yes he does, he always did. He just also thought I will get over you eventually which I haven’t.” he said.

“Oh wow I’d be lying if I could say I’m not surprised. Can you give me some time to think about it T? And thank you for opening up to me.” I told him, holding his hands.

There was a moment of silence and before I could say something, T’s lips met mine. We kissed but it was very short. I pulled away, bid farewell and went back to my room. My mind was puzzled and I was just so confused.

I have feelings for a guy that could soon be my mother’s step son and my best friend is in love with me. It was just too much to take in. I couldn’t tell Izzy yet because I wasn’t ready for any judgements.

It has been two days since T opened up to me about his feelings and I have been avoiding being around him because I just didn’t know what to say.

After my classes I went to the painting classroom it was empty, but Kane was in his office. I went over to greet him.

“Hey Kane how are you?” I asked

“I’m good Nicole and how are you?” he asked while handing me a paper that had paint colors. “Do you mind helping me choose the right color for paint? I want the maintenance guys to paint this place, I want it to officially be a painting studio, so you guys can be motivated to come as well.” He said.

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