Chapter 18

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Nikki POV

It’s been a month since I last saw Will, but we spoke almost every day on the phone. This month was a busy one for him because he had three big tests and I didn’t want to take much of his time.

The tests were a big deal for him because they would count for 25% of his final marks. So I focussed on my painting and my studies. Izzy and I have been close but that’s only when Nate wasn’t around. T and I haven’t spoken since Burger King. I didn’t mind though because T had a mind of his own, I knew he was going to get over me rejecting him eventually.

As for Nate it was high time I finally told him how I feel about everything so I told Izzy to invite him to our room. He told her that he was going to be free after class and that was fine by me.

Izzy wanted to be there when Nate and I sit down and talk but I told her that I needed to speak with Nate alone. I know she meant well but this was between Nate and I.

I couldn’t handle the vibe between us because I missed him and needed him. It really bothered me that I couldn’t tell my best friend about the stuff happening in my life. I told Izzy I had a boyfriend but didn’t specifically tell her who he is.

After class I went back to the room. Izzy was already there, she was lying down on her bed. I went in and greeted her. I changed into my pyjamas, I wasn’t going to the studio today. I have been there for the past month. I have made more portraits than required.

I knew that Kane was going to choose the 12 best portraits but I wanted to be on the safe side, and besides painting was my life. It was 6 pm, I was starting to doubt that Nate was going to come but I heard a knock.

“I think it’s him Nikki.” Izzy said while getting up from her bed.

It was Nate, he came in and greeted us, Izzy offered him a seat by giving him a chair. She took her phone and left.

“See you in a few, bye guys.” She said before closing the door.

Nate looked straight to me without saying anything. I swear those Japanese eyes can be intimidating sometimes.

“Hey Nate, how are you?” I asked while sitting upright on my bed.

“I’m okay Nikki and how are you?” he asked.

“I’m good Nate. I understand that you’re here because I asked Izzy to invite you here.” I said.

“Yeah, I still wish you told me that yourself Nikki. I would’ve come anyway.” He said.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that you have been distant Nate. Did I do anything wrong to you?” I asked.

“No Nikki, I feel like you’re the one being distant.” He said.

“How?” I asked.

“You barely even chill with us, sometimes when you find me here you don’t even say a word you just leave.” He said.

“Nate, you knew about T having feelings for me but didn’t say anything. I know T can be a little complicated sometimes but I didn’t think you would hide that from me. You knew about my crush on him and I also told you when I got over it.” I said.

“He asked me not to tell you Nikki, I wanted to tell you believe me. The night he told me that he opened up to you, I thought you were going to text me and tell me but you didn’t. Instead you avoided us all. So I assumed you were mad at me for not telling you about T.” He said.

“I wasn’t. I have been expecting to see you at the studio Nate but you have never come there, not even once to see me or my portraits. Why is that?” I asked.

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