Chapter 22

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Nikki POV

The VIP lounge looked really classy and lavish. The colour was mainly velvet red and gold. There were not a lot of people but it wasn't empty either. Izzy and I ordered champagne while Nate and Will ordered whiskey.

I was sitting next to will on a couch, Izzy and Nate were sitting next to each other on the opposite couch. The place was comfortable and chilled. We could see the crowd from the balcony.

"You look sexy baby." Will whispered.

"Thank you. You look hot too." I said.

"You should wear dresses like these often in the house." Will said.

"Your house you mean?" I said while planting a little kiss on his lips.

"Our house. Mom paid sixty percent then father settled the remaining balance for the house bond." Will said.

"Mama's boy." I said while kissing him again.

"Point is, she didn't want me to burden my father. The house was meant to be mine and she needed a place to stay when she comes to visit." Will said.

"Okay then. I'll walk around in a lingerie." I said.

"No naked, so I can just slide Will Jnr whenever I want." He said. His hand was brushing my thighs.

"Umm that can be arranged. After I get a contraception shot." I said.

"About that, did you do a pregnancy test? We didn't use a condom last time." Will said.

"No need to worry. I have been on the pill, but I just forget sometimes that is why I want a contraception shot." I said.

"I'll take you to the gynaecologist myself." Will said.

"Fine by me. It doesn't mean we shouldn't use protection though." I said.

"Now that I know you're on the pill I'm going to come so bad inside you." Will said.

"What? That's against what I just said."

"I'm the boyfriend and what I say goes. No arguments." Will said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Fine, but only after we visit the gynaecologist." I said.

"Nop, today I'm hitting that pussy raw. You're going to feel my Will Jnr buried in deep that tiny pink of yours." Will said.

"Behave." I said.

This whole sex was making me horny. Izzy wanted to go dance. She asked me but I refused. So Nate offered to go with her. He proclaimed it'll only be for 30 minutes.

"Good luck Nate." Will said, while winking at him.

"I'll need it." He said, then they left for the dance floor.

Will and I were left alone. We were getting really cosy. The champagne was starting to work, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

"I want to fuck you so bad baby. You look so hot. Everyone was staring at you." Will said.

"What? Nah they weren't, there are so many hot girls here." I said.

"Trust me you look better." Will said.

"If that is the case then Mr Michealson I want to fuck you too and more." I said seductively while slowly moving my hand to his hard cock.

I kissed him, while moving my hands to massaging the bulging Will Jnr that was crying for a release.

"Can you feel how horny I am baby?" Will asked.

"Yes, makes me want to give you at least a blow job." I said. The alcohol was kicking in. It was making me way too transparent.

"I could ask the manager for the key to the penthouse." He said.

"Wait are you telling me there is a penthouse here?" I asked.

"Yes there is. Strictly meant for family and certain guess." Will said.

"Then let's go for a quickie before Nate and Izzy come back." I said.

"Let me call that waitress first so that she can look after our table" Will said while signalling the waitress to come.

The waitress fixed her hair before coming to us, she didn't see that I saw her. When she was closer I kissed Will. I wanted her to know that he is taken.

"Yes sir. How can I help you?" She said.

"Please take care of this table, we will be back in a few minutes." Will said.

"Of course Mr Michealson." She said.

Will held onto my hand, I followed him. We went to the bar, the bar man seemed to know Will, because he smiled the instant he saw him.

"Will, it's been a while man. How are you?" The bartender said.

"Hey Rick, it's been a while indeed." Will said.

"Need anything?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, where can I find Enrique? I need the key for the Penthouse." Will said.

"He's in the office, I think the boss called him." Rick said.

"Okay thanks. Anyway, this is Nikki my girlfriend." Will said.

He called me his girlfriend, this was getting real. Now people will know that I'm his girlfriend. I hope Rick wasn't going to broadcast it, because there were high chances that Shaun's father was going to find out, and the bad part is that he knows Paul.

Rick reached out his hand for me to shake it. "Pleased to meet you Nikki." He said.

"Same here Rick." I said.

Will's hand was on my waist, he was certainly claiming me. Every guy in the room knew that I'm with him. It made me nervous because I don't know what they might be thinking. The dress I was wearing was too sexy and short, they probably thought I'm some one night stand that Will might dump after sex.

Crazy I know, I'm just not used to this.

Will and I left the crowded room and
walked towards a door that had a sticker indicating 'Executive personnel only.' Will knocked twice and then opened. We went in, there was a man talking over the phone. He had a pen in his hand, seems like he was writing something down.

"Sit here." Will said, directing me to a couch.

There was a piano, the furniture screamed exclusiveness. The office was really big, there was also a mini bar and a table tennis board. Will walked over to the bar and poured whisky in two glasses. He walked over to the table and handed the glass to the guy I assume is 'Enrique'.

"Okay bye sir. Will is here." Enrique said over the phone. "Will, the old man wants to talk to you." Enrique said whispering, his hand was covering the speaker of the phone.

Will sighed and quickly downed the whisky left in the glass then took the phone from Enrique. "Hello uncle." He said.

While Will was still on the phone, Enrique got up from his chair, took the glass then came towards me. He wasn't so tall as compared to Will, he was a blonde, looked very similar to Shaun but you could tell that he is older. He was wearing a grey expensive looking tuxedo.

"Hello Miss." He said.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked.

"No thanks. I have had quite a lot." I said.

"Umm self-control. I like that." He said.

"Gotta know when to stop." I said.

"So I'm aware that you go to the same university as Will and Shaun. What do you study there?" he asked.

"Accounting science." I said.

"Nice. You're good with numbers I assume." He said.

"I have my days. Matter of fact is, I don't really like accounting." I said.

"Then why do it?" He asked. He seemed very interested, he put the glass on the table and turned to me with his hands folded.

"Well, it's a long story." I said.

He seemed not entirely satisfied with my answer. It felt like he was judging me for not having a clue about what I'm studying. Like I was some typical teenager uncertain of her future.

"But I am good with painting. I'm thinking of doing arts next year." I said.

"Oh really. How many portraits have you made so far?" he asked.

"Lost count. I started painting when I was young. But if we talk about the portraits I've made this year, then we can say fifteen portraits." I said.

"Really?" he asked. It looked like he didn't believe me or he didn't think I'm that good. Truth is, painting may seem like a hobby but it's not easy to finish a portrait and be confident that it's good. I know that I'm good, and I'm confident with my work.

"Yeah." I said. Serves you right for underestimating me.

"Here take my business card. I might need your expertise then." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'll be opening my own restaurant soon and I believe doing a few portraits for me would also boost your profile." He said.

"Wow would you really do that for me?" I asked. I took the card from his hand and put in my bag.

"Yes why not? If you're good as you say you are, then I don't see a reason not to do business with you. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll be an award winning artist, it'll make me proud to know that I also contributed to your success." He said.

"Thank you very much Enrique." I said.

"You're welcome." He said.

Will was done with the phone call. He gave Enrique the cellphone.

"So what are you guys talking about?" he asked.

"Enrique and I were..."

"Talking about how you guys met." He said completely cutting me off.

"Err yeah." I said.

"Okay. Enrique, I need the keys for the penthouse." Will said.

"Okay let me get them for you. So what was the old man saying?" Enrique asked while getting up from the couch.

"He was asking about the Lake pub." Will said, he was sitting next to me. His hand lightly squeezing my thighs.

"Alright. Okay there you go. Are you guys going to be spending the night? I can ask the chefs to prepare something for you." Enrique said while giving Will the keys.

"Nah, we will sleep by my place." Will said.

"Okay then enjoy. Give the key to Rick when you're done." Enrique said.

"Sure thing man." Will said. "Come let's go baby. Before Izzy and Nate panic." Will said.

"After you." I said, while standing up. I pulled my dress down and took my bag that was on the couch. Will already left the office.

I was about to leave but Enrique grabbed my hand.

"Don't tell Will I gave you my business card. He will make assumptions." He said.

"He trusts me. So there's no need to lie." I said then left.

Okay that was awkward.

Why doesn't he want me to tell Will? It's a generous offer. I don't think that Will might have a problem with that.

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