Chapter 33

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Will POV

We were driving back to the hotel. I wasn’t sure what we were going to do there but Nikki mentioned that it was probably dinner.

In the car it was me, Nikki and Larissa. I asked Shaun if Larissa could come with us because I didn’t want father on my case or to ask any questions. I was still driving but my phone rang. It was Mike calling.

“Hey man.” I said.

“Dude, go check on the internet. You’re trending bro.” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re trending. There’s a picture of you and Nikki holding hands and kissing. You’re standing outside a restaurant or something.” He said.

“Fuck.” I gasped “Okay cool.” I said and hung up the call.

“Larissa check your notifications and tell me what you see.” I said.

“Why?” she asked.

“Just do it now.” I yelled.

“Okay jeez.” She said.

“What is going on Will?” Nikki asked.

“Oh no!” Larissa said.

“What is it guys?” Nikki asked while taking out her phone from her purse.

“What the? Who did this?” she yelled.

“It’s the paparazzi that were outside the restaurant baby.” I said.

“Oh no Will this is bad, this is really bad. We are all over the internet. This is going to ruin both our reputations.” Nikki said.

“What does the article say?” I asked.

“It says that ‘William Michealson the son of New York’s best cardiologist out on a date with his girlfriend. Does this mean that the Michealson heir has found his soul mate???’ and then there are three question marks.” Nikki said.

“Okay not bad. At least they don’t know who you are and they don’t know about our parents.” I said.

“What you mean not bad? No Will we cannot go to the hotel, please turn.” Nikki yelled.

“No, we are going to the hotel. It is better we just deal with this once and for all baby.” I said.

We were already in the parking lot, our parents weren’t there yet but Shaun, Nate, Izzy and T were already waiting for us.

“He’s right Nikki. It’s better now or never. You guys are engaged now which means you can’t run away from this anymore.” Larissa said.

The others walked towards the car. “Come let’s go. We are in this together.” I said.

“I’m with you guys too.” Larissa chimed in.

We all got out of the car. “Nikki are you okay?” Izzy asked.

“I’m scared guys, where did you leave my mom and Paul?” Nikki asked.

“They were still talking to some people. They must be close though.” Nate said.

“How did the paparazzi find you?” T asked.

“We went to a restaurant and didn’t know that there were paparazzi there.” Nikki said.

“Fucken paparazzis.” T cursed.

“Oh shit here they come. Everyone act normal and let’s quickly go to the reception. Nikki please calm down.” Shaun said.

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