Chapter 20

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Will POV

Staying at home was slowly driving me crazy. My father has been on my case lately. He calls and asks about my whereabouts, he demands my presence almost all the time and making it even worse, he doesn’t trust me.

Ever since he started suspecting that Nikki and I were up to something he has been watching me. Now here’s where I messed up, I didn’t know that he had his suspicions way before Lily’s birthday lunch.

He confronted me about Nikki after he saw her name on my cell phone. My phone was in the study, and it turns out Nikki was calling and texting me. I remember that day well.

He was in the study room, seated on the couch, he looked serious and it seemed like he had been waiting for me because he wasn’t busy with anything. I automatically knew something serious was going on with him but I didn’t think it had anything to do with Nikki. I thought I was being careful.

“Come sit here William.” He said while pointing the couch that was opposite him.

Without saying anything a word, I walked straight to the couch and made myself comfortable.

“How are studies?” he asked.

“They are okay father, just a lot of work.” I said while clearing my throat.

“Alright. It’s good to know that you’re taking your studies seriously. After completing your studies you will be unstoppable Will. You’ll have the world in your favour and by then I hope the centre will be done.” He said.

“Yes father. I will not disappoint you.” I said.

“Ah yes while on that part of the conversation, tell me son when was the last time you spoke to Nicole?” He said.

My heartbeat rate was accelerating at a fast speed. My armpits were itchy but I tried to keep my composure. I had to be smart about this. He might be asking because he suspects something or he already knows something.

“It’s not so long ago father, we have been communicating since the weekend at her mother’s house.” I said.

“Alright. So are you finally getting along?” He asked. He was paying attention to every detail, from the way I responded, my facial expressions and posture.

“You can put it that way, she is a smart girl.” I said.

“Also young and naïve William. It’s her first year in university so it’s a huge culture change for her.” He said.

“Yes father.” I nodded.

“So you’re fully aware of the fact that she might be my step daughter, should Lily and I get married?” He asked.

“Yes father I do.” I said.

“I have been suspecting the two of you William.” He said.

“What? Why? And why with her?” I asked.

“Don’t bombard me with questions boy. I have been keeping an eye on the both of you. I once went to the house and saw her car in the drive way. I was passing by but decided to not go in.” He said.

“It’s probably when I was hosting a BBQ. I invited her over.” I said.

“And I thought you two only started talking after Lily’s birthday weekend.” He said.

He was cornering me, I knew his tactic very well. I didn’t want to give in so I decided to play his mind games too.

“It was just for the BBQ, I had few friends over so offered her to come. I knew that her mother’s birthday was approaching soon. So I wanted us to get to know each other before that. Her mother has been on our cases. So I figured that lunch was going to be a good start. We all stayed up till late, then I offered her to sleep in one of the guest rooms. I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to drive late at night.” I said. Awesome Will, some good lying skills you got there man.

“Yes, Lily has been pestering me about you and Nicole getting to know each other. Either way William. I want you to know that Nicole is family. She is probably like your sister now. She is young and you out of all people should protect her from these boys taking advantage of her.” he said.

Two words. I’m fucked.

“Okay father.” I said.

“I’m glad we had this conversation. You can continue with whatever you were doing. I’ll be in my room waiting for a call from the hospital.” He while standing up from the couch and walking towards the door.

“Alright father. Sleep well.” I said and walked to the main desk.

“Oh and Nicole was calling you. You might need to call her back.” He said and left the room.

The following day I told Shaun about my conversation with my father. All Shaun could say was “Be careful bro, this is getting deep and serious.” I knew that.

Since my conversation with father he has been demanding my presence, and also asking me about Heather. We were spending a lot of time together, either doing business, visiting the site or accompanying him when he was having stakeholder meetings.

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