Chapter 27

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Nikki POV

I excused myself and stepped outside to answer the call.

“Hello.” I said.

“Hi Nikki. How are you?” Shaun said.

“I’m good thanks and you?” I asked.

“I’m good too thanks. Are you busy?” he asked.

“Not really. I’m here at the studio with Izzy.” I said.

“Okay. Look Nikki I need to see you. Is that okay?” he asked.

“Okay. When? Is everything okay Shaun?” I asked.

“Everything is okay. Just fixing something here. I’ll come with Will.” he said.

I wasn’t sure whether I was ready to see Will. I’m too embarrassed about what happened with T. Or how I reacted, but truth is I miss Will. Even if I just see him, I’ll be okay. Just to see if he’s fine and healed from the bruises.

“Hello Nikki, are you still there?” Shaun asked.

“Oh yes, sorry. It’s fine. What time are you going to be here?” I asked.

“In the next hour. Yeah that’s approximately at 8pm.” He said.

“Okay cool. I’ll be in my room studying. Call me when you’re here.” I said.

“Okay bye. Thank you.” He said.
I hung up.

Shaun sounded really serious, it made me wonder what he wanted to talk about. Is it the issue with Will or something else?

What I know is that I don’t want to entertain any drama. I was going through the most since that day at the club and I just wanted it to just pass.

I went back into the studio, Izzy and Kane were still busy with the deco theme for the event.

I might have been too quiet and didn’t notice it.

“Are you okay?” Izzy asked.

“Yes Izzy. I’m sorry, my mind is just puzzled that’s all.” I said.

“Was it Will?” she asked. She looked concerned and worried.

“No it was Shaun. He said he wants to see me. He sounded serious.” I said.

“Do you think that maybe Will said something to him?” she asked.

“Now that’s the thing Izzy. Will is not that type of a guy but maybe this is really affecting him. Shaun said he will be coming with him as well.” I said.

“Do you want me to be there?” she asked.

“Nah. I doubt it’s that serious. Thing is Shaun is rarely serious. So when he is it’s usually because something is bothering him. Maybe this has to do with his girlfriend Larissa. I don’t know though. They are coming in an hour and it’s already 6 pm.” I said.

“Kane do you still need us?” I asked.

“Umm let me see. Oh yes, I wanted to ask you if you could pick a design for the invitations, you can pick three and show them to me.” he said.

“Okay, is that all?” I asked.

“Yeah, just that. Thing is, guests will only be allowed if they show their invitation card.” He said.

“Woah, the guest list is really strict hey.” I said.

“Yes it has to Nikki, it’s an auction. Rich people will be there and the portraits are worth a lot of money. So the place will be heavily guarded.” He said.

“This is making me nervous. Are you sure my portraits are good? Do you think people will buy them?” I said.

“Trust me Nikki. I have attended similar events nationwide and your work is good. The fact that you have never received any education or mentoring of some sort makes your work even more valuable. You’re a natural. If you could get a little education and good mentorship, then believe me. Those little hands and that artistic mind of yours will be worth millions.” He said.

“I guess I just under estimate myself.” I said.

“Oh come on Nikki. Kane is right, you were born for this. You better ask your mom who was the artist in your family, because the way you’re so talented it’s like someone else’s soul is living in you. Reincarnation of some sort.” Izzy said.

“Do you think such things are real?” I asked.

“Can only explain your gift.” Kane said.

“Thanks guys. I guess I will have to ask mom seriously. Maybe the more I know of that particular ancestor, the more I’ll feel connected to them.” I said.

“People don’t just come up with such axioms out of nowhere, there’s always a particular connection to it.” Izzy said.

“You’re right Izzy. I just have to stop worrying. Kane if you need me just call, in the meantime I’ll look for good designs.” I said.

“Thanks Nikki.” he said.

Izzy and I bid farewell then left the studio. “I’m hungry.” Izzy said.

“Me too actually. Let’s go to the cafeteria it’s still opened.” I said.

“Right after you.” Izzy said.

Along the way to the cafeteria we bumped into a lot of students that knew Izzy. This just made me realise how much I have missed out on the best part about varsity. Self -discovery.

My life has revolved around Will, painting and my friends. The only few new friends I made were all connected to Will except for Amber.

Anyway, Izzy and I got to the cafeteria. It was empty, which was not a surprise. Exam season is stressful for all of us, most of the students were probably in the study centres or libraries.

“How do you know so many people?” I asked.

“I don’t know. It’s probably because I’m talkative and extroverted.” Izzy said while giggling. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that I barely know people here. It’s just you guys and the students that come to the studio.” I said.

“You’re a reserved person Nikki. It’s absolutely normal for people with your personality.” She said.

“Is it a bad thing?” I asked.

“Not at all. Well the most common trait you guys have is the fact that you’re perfectionists and blame yourselves for almost everything.” She said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes. For instance, you’re blaming yourself about this whole thing with T and Will. But in reality you shouldn’t be, they are adults Nikki and decided to act the way they did. You didn’t make them fight, they did it on their own. In fact you’re the one that made them stop. I admit stringing T along was not wise but then it happened.” Izzy said.

This was enlightening, she was right. I should take my stand and own up to what I did wrong and not burden myself with other people’s decisions. T just has to accept the fact that I love Will and if he doesn’t want to then it’s his own baby to nurse.

As for Will. I still have to give him a piece of my mind because he’s the one that started the fight. I haven’t been able to confront him because I have been carrying this guilt that I shouldn’t even have to.

“And the perfectionist part?” I asked.

“You just asked Kane a few minutes ago if your portraits are good or if they will sell. You’re literally NYU’s best painter and here you are still doubting yourself. You and I both know those portraits are worth more Nikki.” she said.

“You’re right Izzy. When did you become so smart?” I asked jokingly.

“Australian beliefs are slightly different from yours, so I’m just sharing the knowledge that I know.” She said smiling.

“And you’re going to get married in Japan, girl you’re on the move.” I said jokingly.

“Haha stop it man.” She said lightly pinching my arm.

We had our supper, then left the cafeteria. It was already 20 minutes past 8. I was starting to wonder if Shaun changed his mind.

“Izzy, do you think that they are still coming?” I asked.

“Yeah, maybe they are just running late.” She said. She was coming from the bathroom.

“Should I call Shaun?” I asked.

“Give it 10 minutes Nikki. You’re worried I can see.” She said.

“Yea what if…” my phone rang before I could finish my sentence. It was Shaun calling.

“Told you.” She said.

“Hello Shaun.” I said.

“Hey Nikki. We are outside your block, it is okay for us to come up.” He asked.

“Yes you can come.” I said.

“Okay be there in 2 minutes.” He said.

I quickly got up from the bed and put on my gown, I was wearing pyjamas.

“Izzy they are coming here.” I said.

“Okay. Let me leave. I’ll give you guys space. I’m going to see my man.” She said making us both laugh.

“Nate must be one lucky lad.” I said laughing.

“I’ll break his nose if he ever messes with me.” she said.

“Oh now I feel sorry for him.” I said.

We were still having a moment until we both heard a light knock on the door.

“They’re here. Bye. I’ll be back late, so don’t wait up. Love you.” She said while walking towards the door.

“Love you too”. I said.

My heart was beating fast. I was going to be seeing Will for the first time since last week Saturday. I don’t even know how to act. Do I look okay? Chill. Just think about what Izzy said earlier.

“Hi and bye guys.” Izzy while passing the two tall men standing by the door.

I got up from the bed and pulled the study chair so that one of them could sit on it.

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