Chapter 28

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Nikki POV

Will's cologne filled the room that means he entered first. My palms were sweating. My heart was beating so hard you could swear the next person could hear it. I didn't turn, I pretended to be doing something on my laptop. I heard the door close.

"Hey Nikki." Shaun said.

"Hey guys." I said.

I turned around and my eyes met Will's. He didn't look like the happy, calm Will I know. But for some reason I felt this anger growing inside me. I was not going to let him leave without telling him what I was thinking.

"Please make yourselves comfortable. You can take that chair Shaun." I said pointing at Izzy's study table.

"Here's your chair Will." I said.

He seemed surprised that I even said a word to him. His reaction made me wonder if I was too harsh to him that other day. Did I take things too far by dumping him?

"So what's up?" I asked.

"We have a little problem here Nikki. There's a large sum of money that was stolen at the club that you guys went to last week." Shaun said.

"That's bad. When was it stolen?" I asked.

"It's most probably last week." Shaun said.

"Okay." I said. I was curious as to why were they telling me all this.

"Do you remember the time we went to the manager's office Nikki?" Will asked.

"Yes I do. Why?" I asked.

"Remember the phone call?" he said.

"Yeah." I said. This was starting to scare me. Do they think I stole the money?

"It was Shaun's father. He was telling me to keep an eye on Enrique." Will said.

"Umm okay. So? How does this involve me?" I asked placing my hand under my chin.

"Nikki, did you notice anything odd about him or did he say anything suspicious?" Shaun asked.

"Umm nah. I was drunk. Don't remember much." I said.

"Are you sure Nikki? You may be our only hope. An innocent man is going to lose his job." Shaun said.

"The same man you were told not to trust." I asked.

"No. The family accountant. The man has worked for my family for more than a decade and now he is on the verge of losing his job." Shaun said.

"So you guys think it's Enrique that stole the money?" I asked.

"Affirmative." Will said.

"Well I'm sorry guys, I don't have anything." I said.

Shaun looked disappointed and helpless. I don't even know why he thought that I'd know something.

I got up from the bed, went to the fridge and took a bottle of water. I quickly drank it then walked back towards the guys. Wait? His business card.

"Excuse me. Sorry." I said walking pass them. My mind was remembering something. I opened the wardrobe and took out all the coats.

"Nikki are you okay?" Will asked.

"Yes, just give me a minute." I said while looking for the clutch bag that I was carrying that night.

"Here it is." I said, thinking out loud.

"What?" Shaun asked.

I sat on the bed then emptied the bag and to my luck the business card was still there.

"Okay. Sorry for scaring you guys. This is a business card that Enrique gave to me." I said while showing the card to Shaun.

"I didn't know this." Will said. I didn't reply to his comment but gave him a piercing evil look.

"Sorry." He said.

"Is there anything else that he said?" Shaun asked.

"Yeah. I told him that I paint and all. He said that he was going to be opening a restaurant soon and he will need me to paint a few portraits for him if I am good as I say I am. He didn't say when but it seemed like something happening soon." I said.

Will looked at me, he was astonished. I was going to tell him but a lot happened that day.

"When Will asked us what we were talking about, I was about to tell him about the business offer but Enrique quickly cut me off and said that he was just asking me how Will and I met." I said.

"That's suspicious is there anything else." Shaun asked.

"Yeah." I said while looking at Will who now looked angry.

"What is it?" Shaun asked.

"When Will left the room, Enrique pulled my arm and told me not to mention anything to Will because he will take it the wrong way." I said while fiddling with my fingers. It just all sounded bad the more I talked about it.

Shaun looked at Will. They were communicating with their eyes. "I think we have found our guy Will." Shaun said.

"Is that all?" Will asked, his eyes directly gazing at me.

"Yes that's all." I said.

"Nikki!" Will yelled.

"Seriously I have told you everything." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"But why didn't you tell me? Do you have any idea how significant and vital this information is?" Will asked.

"How was I supposed to know? Now it's my fault that you decided to beat the hell out of T and confess about having sex with someone else, I could have told you that day but a lot happened and it slipped my mind." I said.

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