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"So, after this we're gonna go to the amusement park" Jimin says. And Jungkook still being a teenager, got excited. He squealed, which made Jumin giggle.
"Yay!" Jumin says, startling her parents. They looked at her, which confused her.
"Hyung, she said Yay, is that gonna be your first word, baby?" Jungkook says, making Jumin look at him. The baby just tilted her head to the side, looking at Jungkook with big innocent doe eyes.

"Gosh, my little Minnie" Jimin says as he stood up, picked Jumin and spun her around.
"Are we really gonna go, hyung?" Jungkook asks, the older nodded, stopping from spinning as he winked.

"Woah, look, baby" Jungkook says, pointing at the rides that moved. Jumin giggles, eyes roaming around the place. Jungkook laughs, pinching Jumin's cheek as they walked.
"Come on, let's ride the carousel" Jimin says, the other followed before they walked to the said ride's operator to pay. They got in, each having different seats while Jumin was with her father. The family smiled and laughed as the ride started.

"That was so fun, but I'm thirsty, let's get some drinks" Jungkook says, while Jimin and Jumin followed. They bought some drinks, Jungkook sighing in relief as the liquid went down his throat.
"Come on, Jumin looks so excited" Jimin says, grabbing Jungkook's hand before dragging him.

"Hope you had a good time, my babies" Jimin says as he caressed Jungkook's and Jumin's cheeks. He smiled, kissing both of their foreheads. The two was tired, and fell asleep in the car. Jimin sighs in relief, grabbing Jungkook's hand and also kissing it. He lets go of it, starting the car and driving off.

"Gosh, I love you both" Jimin says, staring at the two who slept by his side. He kissed their foreheads for the last time before he let darkness took over him.

I Got Pregnant At 18?! [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now