Chapter 12.

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Charlotte's POV,

Next, we went to accessories shop...... We entered and I went around saw accessories... There were dimond, gold, silver.... and lots of shinny things... A man showed me rings...I was going through them, when..Taehyung came from behind...and touched the ring next to where my fingers were...Our fingers touched....I could feel his breath on my neck....I got sensations I gulped.....

Taehyung:"This one is good!"

He took it and wore it...

Taehyung:"I'll get this! You?"

Charlotte:"Me? Uh...."

Taehyung:"If you can't choose....Should I buy any?"


I went through......

Charlotte:"All of them....are good!"

He also looked around the girls rings....then he took a thin ring...which had a single dimond... on the center....and he took my hand... and slipped the ring into my ring finger....

Manager:"Your boyfriend's choice is really good!"

I looked at him...

Charlotte:"He's not my boyfriend!"

Taehyung:"Then...who am I to you?"

I looked at him...Loss of words....what is he to me? AAAAAA!! WHAT AM I THINKING....!!

Charlotte:"Ofcourse, your my-"

Taehyung:"I was given a dare-to make you fall for me! Its not likely for a stepbrother to make his stepsister fall for him!"

What does he want me to say!

Taehyung:"Anyway! Please pack these 2 rings...."

He took off the ring....

Taehyung:"The hand...looks so plain without a ring....Wait!"

He took my palm and kissed it!!!!!!


He passed me a smirk...and was going to pay....when I grabbed his hand...and brought him closed to me....Our eyes met!

Taehyung:"Why is your face red?"

Charlotte:"Its not! You did on purpose didn't you!"

He smiled....and pulled me, his lips were touching my ears...he whispered...

Taehyung:"Do you want to make a scene in front of everyone?"

I let go of his hand....and he went to pay in the counter....I must really keep a distance from this guy!

Next Day at School,

We were sitting on the stairs...watching boys play basketball.. It was a combined class with Jimin and Suga's class....I was getting bored as hell! I wish I could play too! But, seems like....Girls can only cheer! Eww!! How boring...When.....Jimin slide next to me..


Charlotte:"Hi. You're not playing?"

Jimin:"I will....The match after this! Will you cheer me on!!?"

Charlotte:"Huh? I'm sorry to disappoint you...but....I don't like doing cheer and all....I'll rather play!"

Jimin:"Woah! For real? You can play basketball!?"

Charlotte:"Yep! Sure can."

I smiled...

Jimin:''Then...why don't you come and play with us during evening? Not every evening! But, we play a lot....when all the guys are free!"


Jimin:"I'll tell V, to bring you...ok?"


And with that...The first set of match got over....Taehyung's team was in lead...

Jimin:''Its my turn to show you how good I am!"

Jimin bend down to tie his shoelace....I took my bottle and was drinking water.....when I saw basketball coming my way, it was too late for me to do something...when, someone caught the ball right in front of my face.... I breathed out.....

Charlotte:''Thanks Jimin."

I looked over at Jimin and saw him bended hands on his laces...if it was not him....then,

Taehyung:"Try to say thanks to me too?"

I looked at him.....he threw the ball and went away.....

Charlotte:"What's up with him?!"

Jungkook:"He's always like that."

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