Chapter 13.

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Charlotte's POV,

It was lunch time....I had my lunch...when...I heard an announcement

Announcer:"Charlotte please come to the school office. I repeat Charlotte please come to the school office."

I walked to school office and knocked...

Teacher:"Come in."

I bowed and seated in front of him..

Teacher:"May I know what's the meaning of this Miss Charlotte?"

He showed the letter I wrote few days back...


I was walking in the hallway.. when I approched a box on which was written complaints... I took a paper and pen and wrote about my missing bracelet, folded it! And dropped it in the box.

End of Flashback~

Charlotte:"Its a letter."

Teacher:"Miss Charlotte! I'm well aware that it is a letter! But, may I know what is it about the bracelet?"

Charlotte:"Its that, On my first of school-"

Teacher:"I think you are not getting my point. I am not interested in your bracelet! Let me explain you, That box contains letters like if a student is having a problem with anything or getting bullied or something like that! Its not the teacher problem that you lose your stuff! Just think! A student loses a lot of stuffs that doesn't mean we teacher spend our time searching for it?"

Charlotte:''I'm sorry to trobule you. I'll find it myself!"

Teacher:"Charlotte, Its not like it was so expensive or anything? You can buy a new one?"

Charlotte:"It was given to me by my father! Its the only thing that is left of my father's"

Teacher:"Only thing? Please ask your father to buy it again after he comes back from the bussiness trip!"

Charlotte:"Bussiness trip?!"

Teacher:"Yeah! That's what the principal told me!"

Charlotte:"Why would principal tell you?"

Teacher:"He told me to keep eye on you! As you are friends with Taehyung! There is a chance for you to go around and be in trouble!"

I cannot take back what I said earlier!

Charlotte:"Then why don't you do something about him? Any punishment or anything?"

Teacher:"We can't! His father is powerful enough to take him out."

Charlotte:"He doesn't attend classes! You can give punishment on his poor academics!! The school has that much right!"

Teacher:"I'm afarid we cant do that either!"


Teacher:"He is a topper in all the classes!"



I stood up and walked pwards the class...he is a topper? How can this be??! I entered the class....and seated at the 2nd last bend....beside the window....Suddenly, I felt someone kicking my chair feom behing I looked back...and saw Taehyung grinning at me! Why is he here? Our teacher entered we stood up.! And I was sitting down....when I fell on my butt! I looked back and saw Taehyung pulled my chair feom his leg! All the class was laughing!

Teacher:"Class! Taehyung!"


He looked at teacher with full confidence...

Teacher:"I'll let this slide don't do it again!!"

Huh?!!!!!!!! He just!!!!!! These teachers!!!!! If it was me, or other student it would have been a total opposite situation!! These teachers are so afaird of him, not actually him...but his father!! Who in the world is that man? I got up and grabbed the chair and sat down....I would have never imagined that the person sitting behind me would be Taehyung! His presence always makes me feel werid!!

After a week,

Its has been only a few weeks since I started attending the school..Right now I took my lunch and seated on a table. Not long after someone slided beside me...

Jhope:"Woahh!! Today is kimchi!!! Its been a long time..I haven't eaten it!"


Jhope:"Oh! Hey Charlotte!Woah! You have kimchi in your plate too!"

Jungkook:"Does that mean you like kimchi too!"

Jungkook sat in front of me...

Suga:''If she is having it, she must like it! Common sense."

Jhope:"You've got a point!"

Suga looked at me..

Suga:''Why are you looking at us like that? Have you seen a ghost?"


I snapped out of my then all the guys seated on the same table I was sitting in!

Taehyung:"What's wrong with you guys? Why sitting here!?"

I saw Taehyung looking at me holding the plate in his hand...

Jhope:''She looked, I thought of aitting with her."

Taehyung:''Don't bother..She said earlier she has no interest in making friends... so ok with being lonely!"

Jimin:"You really said that? Did we bother you?!"

Jin:"Charlotte! Forget it! Change your mind! Cause were friends.!"

Jin said that with his food stuffed in his mouth....Taehyung walked and seated next to Suga...


After having meal...I saw many students were whispering and talking after looking at me with these guys....I have to get out of here....


Namjoon:"Hey! Look at the school news! They say our school was build on graveyard...and what not!"

I again try to speak...

Charlotte:"I th-"

Jungkook:"Wow!!! That's sounds fun!!!!! V!"

Everyone looked at V!

Taehyung:"So, what are we waiting for?"

There was grin on his face...what is he thinking!??

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