Chapter 34.

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Charlotte's POV,

Mom:"Tae! Charlotte!"

Our kiss broke at mom's voice we looked at the direction and there stood mom and stepfather with an unexpected expression. We sat in the car the whole drive was in silence we reached home, and me and Taehyung sat on the opposite side of them.

Stepfather:"Whats the meaning of this. V?"

Taehyung:"I like her! Told you you already know her!"

Mom wasn't saying anything, I think she knew.

Stepfather:"She is your sister V!"

Taehyung:"Step! Anyway we dont share the same blood!"

They argued for sometime.


Taehyung:"I don't find any other reason for us not to date!"

Stepfather sighed, giving up on him

Stepfather:"I can never win from you!"

Wait! Does it mean!

Stepfather:"How are you gonna face the people huh?"

Taehyung:"Dad! I like her back! Which means I take the responsibility of what so ever is coming our way! Anyway! I don't think I could find someone else other than her!"

Mom:"Wait! Did Tae just say he would take responsibility!? Aw! He has grown up!"

Taehyung:"Huh? Don't say that mom! I was already a grown up!"

Mom:"Yah! Yeh!"

She covered her mouth while laughing, it makes me happy. And I'm finally relieved that everyone accepts it! I looked at stepfather and gave him a warm smile.

Stepfather:"Woah! That's the first time you ever smiled at me!"


Stepfather:"Anyway, I somewhat had a clue he liked you! Back during the play although he was unconscious he would never kiss someone! But he still did it! He told me he liked someone else looking at you! You two suddenly got so close!"

Ah! Now it was embarrassing to talk something like this!

Taehyung:"Don't be embarrassed! Just accept the fact!"

Charlotte:"Go to hell!"

I stood up and walked away! He came running after me.

Taehyung:"Ok...How about a jacket?"


I was too embarrassed! So I pushed him away! I got inside my room and seated on the chair of my study table. I scribbed on the copy because I couldn't the answer right! Ah!! When! *Gasp*

Taehyung:"Why not trying 3 instead of 9?"

I looked back. I still can't take whenever he shows up out of no where!

Taehyung:"Did you get scared again?"


I continued the sum replacing 9 with 3...OH! I got it! I clapped my hands in happiness!


He hitted on my forehead.


Few days later in the school,

I got off the car, new year and new day in school. Ok! Lets start it great! I stretched my hands. Taehyung tapped on my shoulder.


Taehyung:"Your bag zip is open."


I zipped my bag. Wait! Why did he help me? It's fishy. I turned around and saw him swinging a brand new pen given to me by stepfather!

Charlotte:"Hey! Give it back thats mine!"

Taehyung:"Too bad! I like it! I'm gonna keep it!''

And he ran away!

Author's POV,

They ran through the halls! Charlotte shouting at Taehyung. Ofcourse all the students eyes on them. Including Zoya she stood there watching them running here and there. A smile broke out on her lips. She shouldn't be smiling, she should be jealous! But.. she was happy to see them together. She got her stuffs and closed her locker.


Taehyung:"Come get it yourself!"

Charlotte:"I swear I'll kill you, you don't return it now! KIM TAEHYUNG!!"

----------------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------------

Hello fellow readers! My stepbrother has come to an end! I know it isn't that good, and the ending sucks but.. I couldn't think of anything else! Anyhow! It took me atleast 3 months to complete this fanfic! Hope you have enjoyed reading it! While writing this fanfic I got an idea of another fanfic which I will publish soon enough I'm done with the draft! Hope you look forword to it!Its kinda different from the fanfics I write. I usally right btsxreader and romance and all, but the upcoming one is btsau!  Thank you for supporting My stepbrother! Anneyong! Saranghae!

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